It’s been quite a day/weekend/fortnight when it comes to American politicians, media, and its interested lay public when it comes to the Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Following a new round of — yeah, I’m gonna say it — absolutely ridiculous, uncorroborated claims about Kavanaugh, the White House issued a statement pushing back on the hoopla.
The White House just sent out this sheet attempting to cast doubt on the most recent story in the New Yorker that accuses Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct.
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) September 24, 2018
It seems someone in the West Wing has convinced Pres. Trump to keep his fingers still on Twitter about Kavanaugh since his single tirade into the issue last week which has been criticized by the right and left.
This is the appropriate way to go about things…but then there’s always Fox & Friends on Monday morning.
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