
WATCH: Sen. Jeff Flake Harassed in an Elevator Over Kavanaugh, CNN Sides with the Mob

- September 29, 2018


Once upon a time, my car was vandalized.

Therefore, we must believe all people who accuse anyone of vandalism.

That sounds preposterous, because it is.

What is the disorder from which many on the Left as of late suffer, whereby they demand all female accusers are right, because some female accusers have been right? (See an incredible exercise of that dangerous and clearly brainless idea here.)

The gargantuan lack of sense in that assertion is, to me, incredibly disturbing.

Following their logic, all people should be found guilty in court, because some people have been guilty in court. Why doesn’t that absolute work the other way instead — if some people have been innocent, why shouldn’t all people be found innocent?

Wouldn’t the polarity of those equally absurd propositions lead all back to the undeniably superior standard of actual truth?

Not to some women in an elevator, shortly after Senator Jeff Flake announced his support for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation (please see my breaking coverage of that here).

As caught on video, the women harassed the Arizona congressman early Friday while in the confines of a crowded box of contempt.

One woman began with the foundational flaw of her argument:

“On Monday, I stood in front of your office. … I told the story of my sexual assault. I told it because I recognize in Dr. Ford’s story that she’s telling the truth.”

How is she blind to such a primary mistake? Truth, in accusations of crime, need be proven, not felt.

Then came her castigation of Flake, erroneously built upon the sinking sand of claims without evidence:

“What you are doing is allowing someone who actually violated a woman to sit in the Supreme Court. This is not tolerable. You have children in your family. Think about them. I have two children. I cannot imagine that, for the next 50 years, they will have to have someone in the Supreme Court who has been accused of violating a young girl. What are you doing, sir?”

Firstly, what if her child was wrongly accused? Secondly, the fact that a nominee has been accused of a misdeed should not affect his confirmation. Whether he actually committed the act should certainly be a determinant; but not so for its mere charge.

Another woman spoke up:

“I was sexually assaulted, and nobody believed me. I didn’t tell anyone, and you’re telling all women that they don’t matter. That they should just stay quiet because, if they tell anyone what happened to them, you’re going to ignore them. That’s what happened to me, and that’s what you’re telling all women in America — that they don’t matter, they should just keep it to themselves, because if they have told the truth, you’re just going to help that man to power anyway. That’s what you’re telling all of these women. That’s what you’re telling me right now. Look at me when I’m talking to you. You’re telling me that my assaut doesn’t matter. That what happened to me doesn’t matter. And that you’re going to let people who do these things into power. That’s what you’re telling me when you vote for him. Don’t look away from me. Look at me and tell me that it doesn’t matter what happened to me. That you’ll let people like that go into the highest court of the land and tell everyone what they can do to their bodies.”

She is clearly devastated by a terrible thing she experienced, and that is truly sad. Why can’t she understand that her pain is unrelated to whether or not someone else in the world has told the truth about something?

The first woman continued:

“The way that justice works is you recognize hurt, you take responsibility for it, and then you begin to repair it. You’re allowing someone who is unwilling to take responsibility for his own actions, and willing to hurl the harm that he has done to one woman — actually, three women. … You’re allowing someone who is unwilling to take responsibility for his own actions to sit in the higher court of the country, and to have the role of repairing the harm that has been done in this country to many people.”

Again, why does she assume Kavanaugh is guilty?

One woman scolded, “You have power, when so many women are powerless.”

A man chided, “You could be a hero and vote No.”

A reporter asked, “Senator, do you care to respond to their complaints?”

Flakes replied, “No, I need to go to the hearing. I just issue a statement. I’ll be saying more as well.”

The feed returned to CNN and wounded faces. Rather than address the women’s baseless positions — or their rude harassment of a man trying to exit an elevator — the network presented the situation as a disheartening example of the evil of a Republican congressman.

Host Jim Sciutto solemnly mourned:

“I don’t think we’ve witnessed a moment like that in recent memory — a U.S. senator confronted by two, I believe…women who say that they have been raped themselves, one of them saying to him — and I’m quoting here through tears — ‘Don’t look away from me. Look at me and tell me that it doesn’t matter what happens to me.’ Just remarkable.”

Co-host Poppy Harlow replied:

“It is remarkable. We just witnessed about five minutes of Republican Senator Jeff Flake, after he made an incredibly important decision to vote for Judge Kavanaugh — after he heard from Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh yesterday — confronted in the elevator by those two women, as you’ve said. Jim, his answers to them? ‘Thank you, I need to get to the hearing (Sciutto lamented, “Yeah”). You will hear more from me in just a moment.’ He did not answer their questions. … Let’s talk about what this means for this country, for America, beyond this vote.”

Unbelievable. But this is the Left. This is the fallacy of emotion and partisanship overriding critical thinking. This is the corruption of the media. And, in the immortal words of James Earle Jones, “This is CNN.”


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