Yesterday, the Washington Post ran a story on Brett Kavanaugh that contained this striking revelation:
Charles Ludington, a former varsity basketball player and friend of Kavanaugh’s at Yale, told The Washington Post on Sunday that he plans to deliver a statement to the FBI field office in Raleigh on Monday detailing violent drunken behavior by Kavanaugh in college.
Ludington, an associate professor at North Carolina State University, provided a copy of the statement to The Post.
In it, Ludington says in one instance, Kavanaugh initiated a fight that led to the arrest of a mutual friend: “When Brett got drunk, he was often belligerent and aggressive. On one of the last occasions I purposely socialized with Brett, I witnessed him respond to a semi-hostile remark, not by defusing the situation, but by throwing his beer in the man’s face and starting a fight that ended with one of our mutual friends in jail.”
The lesson for everyone, particularly young men, is look around you circle of friends, identify those who will inevitably become leftwing p***ies (quick checklist: lumberjack shirt? skinny jeans, beard? 13-inch neck?) and shun them now because they will turn on you later in life if it will bring them adulation for the correct people.
Beyond that, I really don’t care. I’ve known a lot of belligerent drunks. I know guys who started a fight over a guy wearing a cavalry stetson into a bar. I know guys who cut a jacket off a guy with a k-bar, hung in in the acoustic tiles in a bar and dared him to touch it. Hell, I’ve been a belligerent drunk. The organizing principle here is that all of us grew up, moved on, and stopped doing the Hollywood drinking that young men used to do before society started paying attention to the SJW harpies who desperately want to run things.
If Kavanaugh started a fight over an insult or hostile remark, I could give a flying f***. It doesn’t mean anything.
What this story shows is how completely the wheels have come off the whole Christine Ford story.
Here are the Democrats & their media wing after they got the FBI supplemental background check they wanted:
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) September 30, 2018
The memo by Rachel Mitchell, the experienced sex crimes prosecutor assisting the Senate Judiciary Committee is damning.
Memo from Rachel Mitchell to GOP Senators: “A ‘he said, she said’ case is incredibly difficult to prove. But this case is even weaker than that..”
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) October 1, 2018
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) October 1, 2018
If you don’t want to read it, these are some of the high points of her testimony.
2013: Late teens (85-86)
July 6: Mid-80s (84-86)
July 30: Early-80s (80-83)
Aug 7: Summer-80s (80-89?)
Sept 16: Summer of 1982
— C. C. Pecknold (@ccpecknold) October 1, 2018
Officer: Um, okay. Where did it happen?
Woman: I don’t know.
Officer: How did you get there?
Woman: I don’t know.
Officer: How did you get home?
Woman: I don’t know.
— Tom Giovanetti
(@tgiovanetti) October 1, 2018
Officer: You didn’t even tell your husband about it before then?
Woman: No. I waited 30 years to tell anyone about it.
Officer: Were there any witness?
Woman: Yes, four. Here are their names.
— Tom Giovanetti
(@tgiovanetti) October 1, 2018
Officer: Why is it you can’t remember any of the details?
Woman: Trauma.
Officer: Well, who did it?
Woman: Brett Kavanaugh. I’m 100% certain it was Brett Kavanaugh.
Officer: How can you be certain it was Brett Kavanaugh?
Woman: Trauma.
— Tom Giovanetti
(@tgiovanetti) October 1, 2018
Officer: Would you come to DC to tell your story to Congress?
Woman: No, I’m afraid of flying.
Officer: How did you get here today?
Woman: I flew. I fly all the time. I love travel.
— Tom Giovanetti
(@tgiovanetti) October 1, 2018
Officer: I've had an experienced sex crimes prosecutor from Arizona review all your materials, and she says no reasonable prosecutor would pursue your case. It's less than a "he said, she said" matter because your witnesses actually refute you.
Woman: But Safeway!
— Tom Giovanetti
(@tgiovanetti) October 1, 2018
Officer: Given that you can't remember even major details about this traumatic event in your life, do you even know what memory is?
Woman: Epinephrine codes memories into the hippocampus, and so the trauma-related experience is locked there, whereas other details kind of drift.
— Tom Giovanetti
(@tgiovanetti) October 1, 2018
Officer: We've checked, and the Safeway you keep going on about wasn't even built until 1986. You've said the incident happened in 1982.
Woman: (Keeps looking over at the Democrat committee staffers)
— Tom Giovanetti
(@tgiovanetti) October 1, 2018
Officer: I can only conclude that Judge Kavanaugh should be investigated by the FBI for a seventh time.
Woman (doubles down on baby girl voice, smiles at Sen. Hirono): Squee!
Officer: Did you say Squi?
Woman: Nevermind. I got what I wanted (checks Go Fund Me accounts).
— Tom Giovanetti
(@tgiovanetti) October 1, 2018
The entire focus of the left now is on investigating underage drinking and looking for the timecards to show when Mark Judge worked at a Safeway. The drumbeat is on “perjury,” as though Kavanaugh could commit perjury based on his own assessment of his own drinking in high school and college.
The odds of any of this being proven…or if it is proven being unknown to Senators already…is about zero.
For goalpost-moving Democrats & your media wing. I’ve been interviewed many times for FBI background checks for classmates, soldiers, & nominees. Every time, agent asked about any drinking problems. You really think FBI missed that in SIX background checks of Judge Kavanaugh?
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) October 1, 2018
Tom Cotton is absolutely correct. Drug and alcohol abuse are the big factors in any background check. When I went through mine, the big things they were interested in was drug and alcohol usage and finances.
I hope Kavanaugh did throw a punch. I hope he knocked some guy’s d*** in the dirt. I hope he took a punch or two himself. It makes me think a lot more highly of him than I would of some spoiled, rich, privileged prep school, Ivy League law grad who never did anything in his entire life. It also lets me know that Kavanaugh is about as squeaky clean as a 50+ year old man can be.
The post As the Wheels Come Off Christine Ford’s Story the Media Starts Focusing On Really Important Stuff appeared first on RedState.