
Author Ted Malloch Discusses His Recent Gateway Pundit Piece ‘Trumpism vs. Globalism’ On Varney and Co. (VIDEO) –Updated

- Oktober 10, 2018

Author and historian Ted Malloch went on Varney and Co. on Tuesday to discuss his recent article at The Gateway Pundit on “Trumpism vs. Globalism.”

Malloch is the author of The Plot to Destroy Trump

The British businessman, author and Trump supporter argued how Trumpism is gaining steam in the global community from Brexit to Italy and Europe to this weekend’s election victory for Bolsonaro in Brazil.

Malloch says globalism continues to recede like the ocean tide.

Ted Malloch also told Charles Payne that he was not surprised that Ambassador Nikki Haley had decided to step down since she was a Never-Trumper during the 2016 election.

Via Varney and Co.:

UPDATE: Ted Malloch has already been contacted by forces in the White House as a possible replacement as UN Ambassador. Ted told us he has no comment at this time.

Dr. Malloch was the top American in the UN in Europe during the end of the Cold War as deputy executive secretary at the UN/ECE in Geneva, Switzerland.

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