As it turns out, dragging a man through the mud for a horrendous crime he didn’t commit isn’t exactly a good look.
That the success and failure of many a politician rested on the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is a given, however, the methods which the Democrats employed to try to keep him away from the highest court in the land have been nothing short of disgusting.
This doesn’t seem to have played well in Missouri, where Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill, who was up against her Republican challenger Josh Hawley, is now down by two points.
From Axios:
Missouri Rising Action, a super PAC backing Republican Josh Hawley, yesterday got back numbers from pollster Jim McLaughlin showing Hawley leading Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) by 52-44.
That’s a huge swing from the previous poll, in June, which had McCaskill leading Hawley 46-42.
While this seems like great news, it’s not wise to assume victory yet. As Allah Pundit at Hot Air, states, there’s reason to be skeptical about this poll:
The poll was commissioned by a pro-Hawley Super PAC, not an independent pollster. Look at the independent polling and you’ll find a much closer race, with Hawley and McCaskill separated by less than half a point. There’s been no sign of any swing towards Hawley recently, either. The last three polls, all of which were taken after Christine Blasey Ford first accused Kavanaugh, had the race Hawley +2, McCaskill +3, and a flat tie yesterday in the new data released by Fox News. If there’s a sharp tilt towards the Republican, the polling pros aren’t picking it up (yet).
However, there is something of a shift happening due to the antics of the Democrats over the Supreme Court happening elsewhere as well. North Dakota’s Heidi Heitkamp is watching support for Republican Kevin Cramer grow ever larger as the SCOTUS circus has gone on.
And then there’s this bit of news from NRCC communications director Matt Gorman.
The SCOTUS fight is having an undeniable impact on the GOP base.
NRCC low-dollar fundraising facts over the last week:
Average Gift:111%
Average Raised Off Text:226%
One text even raised 7x (!) more than our average…
— Matt Gorman (@mattsgorman) October 4, 2018
And then there’s this further tidbit from Investors Business Daily about an IBD/TIPP poll tracking a Democratic lead dropping by double digits:
Meanwhile, the Democrats’ advantage on the “generic ballot” question has all but disappeared. This asks only registered voters whether they’d prefer a Congress controlled by Democrats or Republicans after the midterm elections in November.
The latest poll shows that 45% say they’d prefer Democrats in control, while 43% say they want the GOP to retain control of Congress.
This is a huge swing from last month, which had the Democrats up by 11 points over Republicans (50% to 39%).
Republicans are definitely seeing sways toward the right from the populace, so perhaps the news about McCaskill losing her lead may very well be true.
Time will tell, but as of now, it appears the SCOTUS battle isn’t just going the Republican’s way in Washington. It’s happening all over the U.S.
The post Blue Wave Goodbye: Republicans Seeing Surges in Approval Numbers as Dems Sink During Kavanaugh Witch Hunt appeared first on RedState.