
BOOM! Former Long-Time Boyfriend of Christine Ford DROPS A BOMB! — Proves FORD LIED UNDER OATH to Senate Committee!

- Oktober 03, 2018

A Former long-time boyfriend of Dr. Christine Ford told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he witnessed Dr. Ford coaching a friend on how to take a polygraph examination.

This is in direct conflict with Christine Ford’s testimony under oath to the the US Senate.

Senator Grassley’s letter to Ford’s far left attorneys included this nugget:

Via Professor Margot Cleveland:

This is a very bad development for Dr. Christine Ford because this not what she told the Senate Judiciary Committee under oath.

Christine Ford lied under oath!

Dr. Ford told Prosecutor Rachel Mitchell she never had discussions with anyone on how to take a polygraph test.

But a longtime boyfriend of Dr. Ford told refuted that claim to the committee.

Here are screenshots from the letter from Senator Chuck Grassley to Christine Ford’s attorneys.
Via Margot Cleveland:

The post BOOM! Former Long-Time Boyfriend of Christine Ford DROPS A BOMB! — Proves FORD LIED UNDER OATH to Senate Committee! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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