
Candace Owens Challenges “Captain America” Chris Evans to a Debate After Elitist Tweet Denigrating Kanye as Dumb

- Oktober 03, 2018

After Kanye West’s rant on the SNL stage went viral, Hollywood and the media set about trying to make Kanye out to be either crazy or stupid in order to combat his message that we should stop hating each other and start listening to each other.

This includes singer Lana Del Rey, who insulted Kanye on his Instagram, telling her he’s ruining the culture. I couldn’t agree more, and that’s a good thing.

Another celebrity, “Captain America” star Chris Evans, responded to a tweet from Kanye with one of the most elitist tweets a celebrity has ever written, indicating that Kanye is uneducated and “retrogressive.”

“There’s nothing more maddening than debating someone who doesn’t know history, doesn’t read books, and frames their myopia as virtue,” tweeted Evans. “The level of unapologetic conjecture I’ve encountered lately isn’t just frustrating, it’s retrogressive, unprecedented and absolutely terrifying.”

This pseudo-highbrow response from Evans made Turning Point USA’s Candace Owens angry, and she responded by saying Evans, like other “white liberals” was pissed off about Kanye because “they learned Kanye wasn’t their property.”

Owens then put Evans in a position to put his money where his mouth is and challenged him to a one on one debate at the upcoming PolitiCon.

“By the way, @ChrisEvans— since you seem to suggest that black people who don’t agree with you are “stupid”, I openly challenge you to a debate. @Politicon is in a couple of weeks,” tweeted Owens. “Why don’t you put your racist sentiments on full display and debate a black conservative?”

As of this writing, Evans hasn’t responded to Owen’s request, and I’d put money on Owens never getting one.

The whole point of bashing Kanye was that the rapper was trying to open up a dialogue between the left and the right. As I’ve written about specifically, this is dangerous to Democrats and the ideological die-hards of the left, because dialogue leads to understanding. Understanding with the right is the last thing today’s social justice driven left wants, as it would dissipate much of the fear and loathing attached to right-leaning beliefs.

Lack of fear leads to a loss of power, and the left constantly wants you to believe that the right is filled to overflowing with racists, homophobes, bigots, antisemites, and all manner of evil. They want you to believe with all your heart that we aren’t worth listening to, and will go out of their way to punish anyone for even suggesting that we are. Just look at the way they treated “The League” actor Mark Duplass and YouTube feminist Laci Green for daring to begin dialogues with the right. They’ll even denigrate a video game for portraying middle-American conservatives as the good guys.

If Evans were to take the debate stage, it’s likely he would risk giving a platform to right-leaning ideals by virtue of being there. He would be raked over the coals by his Hollywood colleagues for even showing up to debate in the first place. He can’t risk being responsible for any holes in the coastals’ ideological bubble.

That said, accepting Owen’s invitation is the right thing to do. If Evans is so much smarter than all of us backwood, right-wing, uneducated — and “unprecedented” for some reason — morons, then it should be nothing to come down from Olympus to grant us peasants the knowledge we so desperately need.


The post Candace Owens Challenges “Captain America” Chris Evans to a Debate After Elitist Tweet Denigrating Kanye as Dumb appeared first on RedState.


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