
CBS Anchor Resigns After Defending Brett Kavanaugh on Facebook

- Oktober 09, 2018



What’s the aftermath of the Kavanaugh hearings? For a journalist in Palm Springs, it’s unemployment.

Veteran anchor Kris Long worked for CBS affiliate KESQ-TV.

Cool, huh? In Palm Springs — Frank Sinatra. Elvis. Bob Hope.

Then all of a sudden, all hope was lost. All because of Long’s support for that accused sexual assault guy at the center of march(ing) madness in D.C., Brett Kavanaugh.

On September 17th, Long wrote a 400-word Facebook post in defense of the nominee.

He began his endorsement by first making clear his support of the #MeToo movement:

I have absolutely no problem with the Metoo movement. In fact, I would offer that it is long overdue. Far too many women have been subjected to mistreatment for far too long by men with the power to control their lives and paychecks. I have absolutely no sympathy for the increasingly long list of well-known names who have fallen from grace because they thought with their little head and not their big one.

Okayyy…that’s pretty to-the-point.

But then, Long swung in on a vine like a half-neanderthal Tarzan and toxic masculinity’d the joint up somethin’ fierce:

However, you are beyond dreaming if you think 17 year old boys are not going to misbehave from time to time as they begin to attempt relationships with the opposite sex. That is just the way we animals are made!

Uh-oh. Paging Alyssa Milano.

But then:

Now, that certainly does not in any way mean that a 17 year old should be allowed to force himself on a young girl. That illegal act is reprehensible at 17, 37, or 77.


But to allow someone to accuse a fellow teenager of some lesser miscreant behavior from some four decades ago is, I feel, a real stretch.

Long went on to let everyone know he really likes exclamation points. Oh, and this didn’t help things:

One thing is certain, I will never be nominated for the Supreme Court! Were that ever to happen, I have to admit they might have to enlarge the Senate hearing room to accommodate all the young women from the mid to late 1960’s who felt that I had tried to go a bit too far!

Not a great way to get people on your side.

Speaking of sides, Kris tried to side with common sense, rather than political manuevering:

This just stinks of political maneuvering. I fear the day may be coming when some otherwise deserving office seeker is deemed unacceptable due to accidentally bumping the leg of a kindergartner of the opposite sex during nap time!

I mean what has happened to common sense?

The post drew a bevy of attacks from commenters, and some even called the station, demanding his dismissal. As a result, Long deleted it.

In its place, he served up this:

The previous post to this page has been deleted. This is a sensitive and controversial subject and I apologize for any offense that this has caused.

Since the diatribe’s publishing, he’d been off the air. On Friday, he resigned, releasing this statement:

I want to thank those who have offered support and apologize again for any I may have offended. I hope to return to the news business in the future.

He’d better find work soon — according to the opening line of his original post, at least one line of work is quite out of reach:

I couldn’t get elected dog catcher!

The day after his posting, Kris admitted he may have violated a code of journalism (please tell MSNBC and CNN about this code):

Perhaps I may have broken our social media standards by putting my article a little bit too far to one side.

The Society of Professional Journalists suggests staying away from endeavors that “may compromise integrity or impartiality, or may damage credibility.”

Again, MSNBC and CNN, where are you????

This story stinks, for four reasons:

  1. A man lost his job for expressing views in favor of a conservative.
  2. It draws to mind the potential career perils of posting any personal opinions on social media.
  3. CNN and MSNBC postulate more biased and offensive ideas on the air.
  4. If the Palm Springs dog catcher moves to Tahoe, the lost furry friends of the Low Desert may be outta luck.

What do you think about Kris’s bowing out? Was this just? Was his post foolish? How? Please let us all know in the Comments section below. And find the original post in its entirety, transcribed at the bottom of this article.


Thank you for reading!

For something a little bit totally different, please check out my coverage of Elvis and Kavanaugh, Step Stupid, and Ahole politicians.

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And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.


I couldn’t get elected dog catcher!

Really? Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is now having to answer for his actions as a 17 year old! I have absolutely no problem with the Metoo movement. In fact, I would offer that it is long overdue. Far too many women have been subjected to mistreatment for far too long by men with the power to control their lives and paychecks. I have absolutely no sympathy for the increasingly long list of well-known names who have fallen from grace because they thought with their little head and not their big one

However, you are beyond dreaming if you think 17 year old boys are not going to misbehave from time to time as they begin to attempt relationships with the opposite sex. That is just the way we animals are made! Now, that certainly does not in any way mean that a 17 year old should be allowed to force himself on a young girl. That illegal act is reprehensible at 17, 37, or 77. But to allow someone to accuse a fellow teenager of some lesser miscreant behavior from some four decades ago is, I feel, a real stretch.

One thing is certain, I will never be nominated for the Supreme Court! Were that ever to happen, I have to admit they might have to enlarge the Senate hearing room to accommodate all the young women from the mid to late 1960’s who felt that I had tried to go a bit too far!

We are talking about a man who may or may not end up on the highest court in the land. If he did actually commit rape as a 17 year old, which has not been claimed, then he should be prosecuted. However, if the act was that serious, and few things are more serious than rape, why has it taken all these many years for his accuser to come forward!

This just stinks of political maneuvering. I fear the day may be coming when some otherwise deserving office seeker is deemed unacceptable due to accidentally bumping the leg of a kindergartner of the opposite sex during nap time!

I mean what has happened to common sense?

I’m through ranting for a Monday. Please join my colleagues Brooke Beare, Patrick Evans, Blake Arthur and me for CBS Local 2 News tonight at 5:30, 6:30 and 11.



The post CBS Anchor Resigns After Defending Brett Kavanaugh on Facebook appeared first on RedState.


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