
Claire McCaskill Demands Investigation Into Project Veritas Videos – O’Keefe Responds

- Oktober 18, 2018

Endangered Missouri Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill isn’t too happy about the undercover Project Veritas videos released this week exposing her campaign.

Project Veritas has been focusing on the midterms by targeting Democrat candidates with its new series dubbed ‘Secrets and Lies.’

The videos released this week by O’Keefe were absolutely devastating to Claire McCaskill.

McCaskill’s campaign manager is now calling for Missouri Attorney General and opponent to McCaskill, Josh Hawley to recuse himself and appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Project Veritas.

KMOV reported:

Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill’s campaign manager is calling on her Republican rival’s office to investigate videos of her campaign taken by a conservative group.

Campaign manager David Kirby on Wednesday said he wants Republican Attorney General Josh Hawley to recuse himself and appoint a special prosecutor to investigate alleged consumer-law violations related to the videos.

“Imagine if this was a competitor to your business coming in and impersonating someone else and getting access to all the information,” said McCaskill. “Where is the AG’s outrage over the fraud that’s been perpetuated here?”

James O’Keefe responded Wednesday evening.

O’KEEFE: Translation: McCaskill tries to criminalize legitimate news gathering

On Monday evening, Project Veritas released an undercover video of endangered Missouri Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill admitting to being deceptive about her stance on firearms and immigration policies.

McCaskill is a red-state Democrat Senator so she has to appear pro 2nd Amendment to her constituents because Missourians love their guns.

Tuesday evening, Project Veritas released part two of his undercover sting on McCaskill’s campaign.

  • Campaign Staff: Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Directly “donate to Claire because they don’t want to ostracize pro-life Democrats in Missouri”
  • McCaskill Staff Confirms Planned Parenthood Still Contributes: “They put it through different organizations.”
  • Senator McCaskill Will “100%” Support Abortion, Is “very pro-choice” But Doesn’t Want to Appear “too far left to get the moderate voters.”
  • Staffer Agrees: McCaskill “essentially” Has to Lie to Get Elected

Claire McCaskill ran to the media afterwards and blamed Josh Hawley for the undercover Project Veritas videos.

Now she’s calling for an investigation into Project Veritas–typical Democrat.

In case you missed it, below are the two Project Veritas videos exposing Claire McCaskill:

Part One:

Part Two:

The post Claire McCaskill Demands Investigation Into Project Veritas Videos – O’Keefe Responds appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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