
Dem Senate Candidate Kyrsten Sinema: “Arizona Is the Meth Lab of Democracy” (VIDEO)

- Oktober 13, 2018

Speaking to progressive Democrats at Netroots Convention in 2010, Kyrsten Sinema told the far left audience,

“Indeed, As We See In This Very Quote, That States Are The Laboratories Of Democracy And Then My State, Arizona, Is Clearly The Meth Lab Of Democracy.”

KYRSTEN SINEMA: “Good morning, and I’m so glad Jefferson that you ended with that quote because I’m going to steal straight from what we’ve all seen on the Daily Show. If you’re not watching the Daily Show, I don’t know how you keep up with what’s happening in America today. But, Jon Stewart said this just a few weeks ago that, indeed, as we see in this very quote, that states are the laboratories of democracy and then my state, Arizona, is clearly the meth lab of democracy. And I cannot take credit for that line, someone at the Daily Show wrote it, but I’m happy to steal it and use it all the time.”

Via Netroots Nation, “Moving A National Progressive Message Through State Policy,” U Stream, 2010).
Minute 33:51 – 34:22

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