
Developing: President Trump Says He Will Make “Very Big Announcement” Tonight at Iowa Rally (VIDEO)

- Oktober 10, 2018

President Donald Trump accepted United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley’s resignation on Tuesday.

As United Nations ambassador for the Trump Administration Haley was praised for her work in implementing the Trump agenda.

President Trump also dropped this nugget for the media — something is happening at his rally tonight in Iowa.

President Trump: I’m going to Iowa tonight. We have a big-big crowd. We’re going to make a major announcement tonight, by the way, in Iowa. We’re going to make a very big announcement. And I have to tell you the farmers are so thrilled with the USMCA.

He sure knows how to promote an event!

The post Developing: President Trump Says He Will Make “Very Big Announcement” Tonight at Iowa Rally (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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