
EXCLUSIVE…Diamond and Silk: Don’t #WalkAway, ‘Run And Run Like Hell’ (VIDEO)

- Oktober 18, 2018

After witnessing the Democrat Party’s deception, corruption and greed in the movie “Dummycrats,” Americans are not going to #WalkAway from Democrats –“they are going to “run and run like hell,” stars of the newly released movie Diamond and Silkp’ told The Gateway Pundit.

“You are going to see people running away. You are going to see people switching their party, and pretty soon there’s going to be one party called ‘Make America Great Again,'”Diamond warned during the premier of Dummycrats in Washington D.C. at Trump International Hotel. “I am not telling you to walk away, I’m telling you to run and run like hell. If you don’t want to see the trajectory of our country change so horribly that you don’t know you’re left from your right, baby, you need to vote right, vote red and vote Republican. The Democrat party keeps walking around here talking about ‘resist’ because they don’t want America to exist as we know it.”

“Vote right, so you won’t get left,” Silk added.

Dummycrats features top Democrats including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Rep. Maxine Waters and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

In the film, Diamond and Silk visit impoverished Democrat-run cities, like the California districts of Waters and Pelosi to expose the detrimental repercussions of progressive policies –   heavy taxation, government dependence, illegal immigration and identity politics – have had in their communities.

The sisters blast Waters for living in a mansion in an affluent neighborhood and refusing to live in her own “poverty-stricken” district.

They also talk to citizens to understand whether they like the policies of their elected officials.

“You’ve got to look at these politicians. They are going in poor coming out rich. They are working for their own greed, not the need of people – unacceptable. It’s time for everybody and I don’t care what side of the aisle you are on, start paying attention to these politicians” Diamond asserted. “Often times, people just listen to soundbites, but they don’t really pay attention to what’s going in in their communities, in their districts, whose representing you and that matters. If Congress is going to be working for we the American people – we pay their tax dollars – they are going to have to do right by the American people. If not, Diamond and Silk are going to have to call them out and then we are going to have to vote them out.”

Dummycrats will have a profound impact on Americans from all sides of the political spectrum, Silk noted, because the sisters “talked directly to the people” affected by liberal policies.

“We went to the streets,” Silk said. “We talked to real people, not somebody staged, not someone that’s politically correct. We talked to real human beings that are being affected by the individuals that supposed to be running these districts and doing absolutely nothing for these districts. With us talking to real people, it will relate to another real person and another real person. It’s going to resonate with the masses of people.

Kyle Olson, founder of American Mirror and the film’s executive producer, asked Diamond and Silk to star in Dummycrats days after they testified before the House Judiciary Committee about Facebook shadow banning their content.

“We had just come from [Capitol] Hill – we saw how the Democrats treated us so horribly. They acted like we just didn’t exist and it just really bothered us,” Diamond said. “We said hold up – we are Americans, we were born on this soil. Why are you treating us like we don’t matter? Our voices matter. And our First Amendment rights matter and you should sit here and pay attention to that. After that [Olson] came to us and asked us if we’d want to be featured in this film  and we said ‘absolutely’ because its exposing the hypocrisy on the left – you have got to expose it.”

The growing number of conservatives who have gained notoriety for speaking out in support of President Trump and conservative principles has created a “snowball effect” that that will disseminate the left’s stronghold of pop culture, Olsen told the Gateway Pundit.

Diamond and Silk, former Democrats from North Carolina, who quit the party and campaigned for Trump during the 2016 election, claimed they were maliciously castigated with racial slurs by the left when they first became vocal and loyal supporters of the president and his policies.

“When we started it was a revolution, we have the battle scars to prove it – because like they are doing Kanye today, they called us all kind of coons, minstrels, Aunt Jemima, Notyomama, Bahamama – all kinds of things like that. But we kept on talking. We understood the power of our voices,” Diamond explained. “When your voice is power and you are not a robotic talking head, but you are a truth teller, they will do anything to shut you up because they don’t want people running from that Democrat plantation.”

The film premiered at the Trump International Hotel in Washington on Oct. 15 and screened in nearly 800 theaters across the country for a one-night event, but DVDs are for sale at www.Dummycratsthemovie.com

The YouTube stars are currently working on a project called ChitChatMe.com to overcome Facebook’s overt censorship of conservatives, “a platform where no one is being discriminated against based on the color of their politics,” Diamond revealed.

The post EXCLUSIVE…Diamond and Silk: Don’t #WalkAway, ‘Run And Run Like Hell’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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