
FAKE NEWS HITS NEW LOW: CNN Interviews Liberal Hack Who Claims He Saw Kavanaugh Throw Ice in College Bar (VIDEO)

- Oktober 03, 2018

CNN interviewed Chad Ludington, a former Yale student, who claims he saw Judge Brett Kavanaugh throw ice in a bar in 1985.

The liberal media has gone from bogus gang-rape charges, to this… Brett Kavanaugh threw ice in a bar.

Chad Ludington: “Brett said f*ck you or something to that affect and threw ice at the man….”

This is what passes as honest journalism in the liberal media today.
Ludington’s phone goes off during the interview.

The post FAKE NEWS HITS NEW LOW: CNN Interviews Liberal Hack Who Claims He Saw Kavanaugh Throw Ice in College Bar (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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