
Here Are Some Interesting Facts About Christine Ford’s Friend Monica McLean

- Oktober 03, 2018

Social media was set ablaze Tuesday night after a former long-time boyfriend of Dr. Christine Ford told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he witnessed Dr. Ford coaching a friend named Monica McLean on how to take a polygraph examination.

This is in direct conflict with Christine Ford’s testimony under oath to the the US Senate.

The boyfriend, who still remains anonymous, wrote the Judiciary Committee about the relationship:

– Ford never mentioned sexual assault
– Ford never mentioned Kavanaugh
– Ford not scared of confined spaces
– Ford not scared of flying
– Ford knew how to beat polygraph
– Ford cheated on him/committed fraud

Here is the letter to Grassley via Benny Johnson:

So who exactly is Monica McLean?

Monica McLean went to Holton Arms, the same all girls school Christine Ford attended.

In fact, Monica McLean was one of the 17 women who signed a letter that was sent to Congress on September 17th expressing their support for Ford and opposed Brett Kavanaugh.

As reported by WaPo:

To the United States Congress:

We, of the Holton Arms Class of 1984, are writing on behalf of our friend and classmate, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, to attest to her honesty, integrity, and intelligence; and to contend that her decision to provide information pertaining to a sexual assault is not a partisan act. It is an act of civic duty and the experience she described in her letter needs to be seriously considered. We represent all political parties and we support Christine bringing this matter forward.

The letter concludes with, “We stand with our friend Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and admire her honesty and resolve on behalf of our nation.”

Here are the women who signed the letter:

Allyson Abrams Bergman, Amy Englehardt, Andrea K. Evers, Holly Huelsman Fuller, Sandra Engle Gichner, Daphne Holt, Francine Laden, Monica McLean, Samantha Semerad Guerry, Estela M. Radan, Martha Mispireta Shannon, Lisa Shapiro, Laura Simms Smith, Dana Stewart, M. Sydney Trattner, Virginia White, Stacey Kavounis Wilson

Monica McLean vouched for Christine Ford’s honesty in a letter to Congress on September 17th; now she is being named as a person who can prove Ford lied under oath.

Independent journalist Mike Cernovich had a very interesting take on Monica McLean’s duty to come forward with evidence Ford perjured herself being that McClean was an FBI agent.

“Court records show that Monica McLean was an FBI agent in 2000. If McLean remains an agent, and she did not come forward with evidence that Ford perjured herself re: the polygraph, then McLean’s security clearance will be revoked immediately, as she had a legal duty to do so,” Cernovich said.

“There was a Monica McLean at the SDNY office in 2008. Ford’s ex-boyfriend claimed Ford coached a Monica McLean (same person?) on how to pass a polygraph, which contradicted sworn testimony.”

“If McLean is an agent, she would have legal duty to inform the FBI of Ford’s perjury,” Cernovich added.

Christine Ford’s legal team did not respond to the latest development on Tuesday night.

It will be interesting to see how the media will spin this one.

The post Here Are Some Interesting Facts About Christine Ford’s Friend Monica McLean appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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