
Hillary Nods in Agreement to Shout from Crowd That She’s ‘the Real President’

- Oktober 23, 2018



Perhaps I’m wrong, but I’d go out on a limb to say Hillary Clinton really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really wants to rule the planet (see here).

That’s eleven reallys. To provide some sort of scale, in 1995, Bryan Adams only wanted to know if you’ve ever really, really, really ever loved a woman. Merely three. And he was super curious.

At a book signing event for Gwen Carr (mother of Eric Garner) Friday in Manhattan, the former First Lady was introduced, followed by a shout from the crowd of “the real president!”

Hillary nodded with glee.

I suspect, however, the situation wasn’t to her liking; this isn’t where she planned to be — at a meeting of a group of 75, for a contribution to a book. Surely by now, she’d have transformed the ACA into HillaryCare, and all money would feature her bug-eyed, “Gotcha Trump!” smile.

But alas, not yet.

Cue some interesting Twitter reactions:

Ever-fighting for political relevance (as here), Clinton wrote the foreword to This Stops Today: Eric Garner’s Mother Seeks Justice after Losing Her Son. Hopefully, it’s better than the afterword she recently added to her own book, What Happened (here).

Thankfully, the answer to that book’s question is “You lost.”


Relevant RedState links in this article: herehere, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: kids suing the government, Andrea Mitchell & Stalin, and ching-chonging her way to failure.

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