
James O’Keefe Strikes Again: Catches Oregon Governor In Web Of Corruption, Possible Election Law Violations

- Oktober 08, 2018

Did Oregon’s “accidental governor” Kate Brown violate multiple campaign laws by using her official government staff and resources as part of her re-election campaign?

The latest video from James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Action appears to show such corruption.

An O’Keefe operative apparently met with Kate Brown’s former campaign manager, Michael Kolenc, on multiple occasions to discuss such, and Kolenc sung like McCain in an NVA POW camp, dishing out all the dirt and throwing the disgraced Kate Brown under the bus.

And it was all captured on video!

Kolenc talks about how he was fired from the Brown campaign for bringing up the internal corruption in the campaign, which involved her Chief Of Staff getting involved in running the campaign and government funds being used for her campaign, both of which are in violation of Oregon laws. Kolenc says that sort of thing “happens all the time” and that Kate Brown had to have known about it.

Kolenc also goes on to talk about how Brown is “A really awful manager of people, operations and structures. She’s just not a good manager, and she doesn’t hire, she doesn’t hire good managers. So that’s like one of her, a fundamental problem that she has,” and how governor Brown takes payoffs in exchange for favors “Oh, it’s 100% going on, it’s 100% going on. It’s really discouraging…”

Kolenc also speaks of a previously reported scandal involving Governor Brown’s former chief of staff, Kristen Leonard, who did not disclose a potential conflict of interest regarding a state government contract held by a company she owns.

Kolenc sums it up by saying Kate Brown and her entire campaign and tenure as governor as “shady as f**k” and and that generally nobody discloses “low-level graft, low-level corruption.”

Kate Brown leads recent polls by only a few percentage points, with many voters still undecided.

Portland leftist rag Willamette Week ran a story 2 years ago featuring Michael Kolenc, after he was fired by Kate Brown’s campaign consultant, Kevin Looper, just nine weeks before election day. Kolenc played it safe in his statements to WW, and refrained from disclosing the potential illegal acts and conflicts of interest.

Kate Brown, then Secretary of State, took over as governor in early 2015 as disgraced former governor John Kitzhaber resigned under a dark cloud of corruption and pay-for-play schemes.

Doesn’t look like much has changed.

The post James O’Keefe Strikes Again: Catches Oregon Governor In Web Of Corruption, Possible Election Law Violations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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