
Lindsey Graham Says He’s ‘Happy as a Clam’ Over Kavanaugh

- Oktober 08, 2018



On Sunday, gunslinging Senator Lindsey Graham went on Fox News to shoot a few in the air and yell “Yeehaw!” And why not? The rootin’ tootin’ congressman was celebrating the great victory of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, as well as the fantastic end to the Left’s downright insanity of the last few weeks.

Graham said he’s “never been more pissed” than during Kavanaugh’s hearings. That’s easy to believe, given the senator’s words at the proceedings, which included, “This isn’t a job interview. This is hell.” (please see here).

However, hell gave way to heaven, and now Graham’s walkin’ on sunshine:

“I‘m happy because the effort to humiliate and railroad a man I’ve known for 20 years…failed. I’m happy that those who tried to destroy his life fell short. I’m glad those who tried to overturn the rule of law and replace it with mob rule lost.”

Graham accurately pegged the attack on Kavanaugh over the last few weeks as a sniper shot at the conservative then-nominee:

“This was character assassination. This was wanting power too much, and to the extent that I came to the aid of this good man and helped defeat this debacle, I’m happy as a clam.”

A clam! Can you imagine being so happy that you’re essentially a bivalve mollusk?

But don’t count on Democrats letting Lindsey maintain his clamlike state — there’s been talk of an extended look into the sexual accusations against Brett. That would be, of course, if the Dems win the House next month.

Host Chris Cuomo pitched the idea:

“Democratic Congressman Jerry Nadler of New York, who would — if the Democrats take the House — become the House Judiciary chairman, has already talked about launching an investigation into alleged misconduct by Kavanaugh. … It doesn’t sound like this is gonna end.”

Lindsey said it’s gonna be a streetfight:

“All I can say is this is going to the streets at the ballot box.”

It certainly is. And the streets are littered — with the craziness of the Left, from weeks of audacious and baseless battle cries. Many on the side of Chuck Schumer asserted an endorsement of Kavanaugh was an attack on women. Some, including a few women in an elevator, got so worked up that they decided any pro-Kavanaugh position demanded that no sexual assault survivor mattered (please see here).

According to former Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo, removal of Kavanaugh may not be the extent of the Dems’ extermination aspirations.

“This is absolutely a scrimmage for impeachment,” said Michael Caputo, a former Trump campaign adviser. “I believe they will try to impeach Brett Kavanaugh, I believe they will try to impeach President Trump.”

Surely Washington feels especially quiet at the moment. For a few weeks, the circus was in town. But as November approaches, I hear sounds of coming elephants. Hopefully, there won’t be many donkeys.

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