On Fox News Sunday, Mitch McConnell celebrated the victory of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, calling it his proudest moment as a senator.
Host Chris Wallace pointed out the senate’s unprecedented judicial success as of late:
“Senator, you have called putting conservative justices on the court…the most consequential action that you can take in your role. I want to put up what the record is. Under President Trump, with you as majority leader, two Supreme Court justices have been confirmed, and 26 judges have been put on circuit courts. That’s the fastest pace in history. … Is this your proudest moment as a senator?”
“I think so,” McConnell replied.
“I think the most important thing the Senate is involved in is the personnel business. The House is not in the personnel business.”
Kavanaugh was made official Saturday afternoon, with a vote of 50-48, after a few weeks of complete insanity, prompted by — according to the FBI — wholly unsubstantiated claims of sexual misconduct from women who’d decided to wait decades to make claims against him.
For his work related to the judiciary, McConnell’s received strong endorsement from hard-right Republicans, including Steve Bannon, who at one point had contended McConnell should resign. Wallace asked about such high marks:
“Some hard-right conservatives have criticized you over the year as too establishment, but now they are lining up to praise you for ramming through the Kavanaugh nomination. And even the likes of Steve Bannon has praised you for what he called ‘strong leadership.’ Are you happy to have his approval, sir?”
McConnell is dazed by the support:
“It’s almost an out-of-body experience, I must say.”
McConnell’s out-of-body experience comes after the Left’s out-of-mind indulgence of weeks-long rioting and absurd statements demanding that the exoneration of a man accused without evidence would be a degradation to all women of the United States. The end to that craziness is most welcome; however, I’m sure we’ve got more hysteria waiting around the bend.
We’re still hearing protestations to the 2016 election; Saturday’s SCOTUS confirmation could have a similar tail. Then again, our contemporary news cycle seems to last 11 minutes. We’re late; so far as I’m concerned, minute 12 can’t get here soon enough.
For a bit of a Kavanaugh timeline, reference my articles here, here, here, here, and here.
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