
Mitch McConnell Receives Standing Ovation Ahead of Kavanaugh Swearing-in Ceremony (VIDEO)

- Oktober 09, 2018

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) received a standing ovation in the East Room of the White House Monday evening ahead of the Kavanaugh swearing-in ceremony.

Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as the 114th Supreme Court Justice in U.S. history Saturday.

President Trump honored Justice Kavanaugh Monday evening with a swearing-in ceremony and apologized to Kavanaugh.

Senator Mitch McConnell was welcomed with a standing ovation and cheers.

The Senate Majority Leader really worked around the clock to get Brett Kavanaugh across the finish line.

McConnell promised the Senate was going to “plow through” and get Kavanaugh confirmed even though the Democrats launched an unprecedented smear campaign against the judge.

Senator McConnell worked up until the day of the confirmation vote, lunching with Susan Collins and other Senators to make sure he had the votes.

Thank you, Mitch McConnell for standing up for Brett Kavanaugh in the face of evil!


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