
The Best Defense: Pistol-Packing Birmingham Dad Kills Masked Gunman & Prevents a McDonald’s Massacre

- Oktober 31, 2018



On Sunday, I wrote an article about Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto’s response to President Trump’s endorsement of houses of worship arming themselves (here). Many of you commented, and I think the pistol-packing among you will appreciate this story.

On Saturday night around 10:30, in Birmingham, Alabama, a man and his two sons were leaving a McDonald’s — That’s right: home of the savory Big Mac, perfectly crisp fries, very reasonably-priced coffee, and scot-free Wi-Fi (And yet, all the outcome of a sad and sinister story — I recommend the movie The Founder).

But wait!

Suddenly, the customers weren’t “Lovin’ It” — a creep in a mask came in and started shooting.

The manager had unlocked and opened the door for the trio to leave, inadvertently allowing the assailant to slip through.

What did the dad do???? Hope the police would identify their next of kin? Eschew prayers (except when used to christen abortion clinics — here)? Remember that the government will take care of us all?

Actually, he took the road less traveled by contemporary liberals.

Father Firearm pulled out his handgun and started shooting like an 80’s action star. POW!

In the process, he was struck by returning fire. So was his teenage son. Neither critically.

But the bad guy was killed dead.

Does a gun deter crime? It did that day.

Birmingham Sgt. Bryan Shelton explained it this way:

“Right now, it appears the victim made a decision that cost his life, and the father made a decision that preserved his and (his) children’s’ life.”

Speaking to WBRC-TV, Mickey D’s employee Markus Washington characterized the patriarch (Say it ain’t so!) as a real…well, what Beto O’Rourke perhaps is not (here):

“I’m feeling grateful. Wrapping my head around it all, I was just wishing someone would come wake me up from this nightmare.”


“He’s my hero. Because I can only imagine how it would’ve went if he wasn’t armed. We might not be here having this interview.”

Washington, along with a coworker, had run and hidden in a freezer.

“I was making two Quarter-Pounders and heard three shots ring, and then exchange of gunfire two more. … All we hear is like different gunfire, so in my mind, I’m imagining everybody is dead. He’s looking for us.”

He isn’t looking now.

It remains unclear whether the creep was there to rob, kill, or both. However, it remains very clear that he’s dead. And others are alive because of one man exercising his 2nd Amendment rights, in a state that respects the liberty to do so.

Despite the push of  the Left, the problem isn’t guns (here and here); it’s crime. And Saturday night, a man in Birmingham, Alabama offered a solution.


Relevant RedState links in this article: herehereherehere and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: the Trumps loving their children, The View mocking Trump, and insight into the Parkland shooter.

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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