
Unhinged Protester Uses Kids as Political Props in Senate Hallway — GOP Senator Ruins Her Day (VIDEO)

- Oktober 13, 2018

A protester confronted Republican Senator Bill Cassidy on Tuesday demanding that he apologize to her children for ruining their futures — and his response was absolutely brutal.

Alethea Torrellas Shapiro has been bringing her children to Capitol Hill all week to use her children as political props while she harasses senators. This time, she happened to confront the wrong guy.

After asking Senator Cassidy to apologize to her children, he looked at them and responded, “Guess what? Your parents are using you as tools. In the future if somebody makes an allegation against you and there’s no proof for it, you’ll be okay.”


Mic drop.

Senator Cassidy walked away as the stunned protesters continued to shout.

According to a public Facebook post in response to Justice Brett Kavanuagh’s confirmation, uncovered by the Daily Caller, Shapiro wrote “tomorrow I plan on birddogging in the Senate hallways and basement with all 4 of my kids (my daughters are 12, 10 and my boys are 5, 3). I went these horrible atrocious men to see the faces of the future that they are ruining and to know the tremendous pain women and men are feeling now that they confirmed Kavanaugh. So if you have 1-2 lines for me to tell them, or a message what should I say??? I need help! I also want to address their Kavanaugh confirmation so what do I say…”

The post Unhinged Protester Uses Kids as Political Props in Senate Hallway — GOP Senator Ruins Her Day (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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