
Mia Love May Still Have a Chance in Utah

- November 09, 2018

Although the consensus after the midterm election was that Republican Mia Love had lost her race in Utah’s 4th district, it seems as though the race is still undetermined and Love has a chance at winning.

Several counties have yet to count all their ballots. Fox 13 reported yesterday that, as of last night, over 278,000 votes had yet to be counted.

“The counties have to process these by-mails ballots that came in, process the provisional ballots that came in at the polls,” said State Director of Elections Justin Lee.

However, it could be days or possibly weeks before all the votes are counted.

According to the Salt Lake Tribune, “Mathematically, Love is still alive, but her chances are dwindling rapidly.”

Hopefully Love is able to eke out the win. She has been a strong pro-life advocate — watch her speech at last year’s March for Life below:

Love is one politician who makes the Republican Party better, stronger, and more welcoming. Furthermore, her background as the child of immigrants who came to America in search of a better life is a real-life story of the American Dream in action. Utah and Congress would be better off having her as a member of the body.

The views expressed here are those of the author and do not represent those of any other individual or entity. Follow Sarah on Twitter: @sarahmquinlan.


The post Mia Love May Still Have a Chance in Utah appeared first on RedState.


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