
The GOP Has Spoken, and It Wants “Cocaine Mitch” to Continue On As Senate Majority Leader

- November 15, 2018

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

That seems to be the GOP’s mentality as it enters into a post-midterm election world where the GOP actually gained seats in the Senate after grueling battles won by Republicans before the elections even started, and it has its Senate Majority Leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, to thank for that.

As a result, Republicans in the Senate have decided that they will continue to follow McConnell’s lead going forward according to the DCNF, after a voice vote in a closed-door session.

This resulted in McConnell tweeting out a picture of his office door with the title on it, and saying he is “honored.”

McConnell likely deserves the spot after he led the Republicans to various victories that lent them serious momentum going into the midterms. This includes the successful confirmation of now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh against a nasty onslaught of baseless character attacks by Democrats.

McConnell took his leadership position of the Senate back in 2007, marking this his 11th year as the GOP’s Senate Leader.

Changing up the leadership positions within the Senate GOP is Sen. John Thune, R-S.D as the new Majority Whip, replacing Sen. John Cornyn of Texas who has reached his term limit for the position. The GOP is also adding a woman to the team as Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, will serve as GOP conference vice chair.


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