
Trump Says Pelosi Subpoena Threat Illegal – Vows to Take Battle to Supreme Court

- November 02, 2018

President Trump told the Washington Times Thursday in an interview that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s subpoena threat is ‘illegal’ and grounds to take the battle all the way up to the Supreme Court.

Via The Washington Times:

“Pelosi says she’s going to mechanize the speakership and use it as a great negotiation with the president. That’s an illegal statement,” Mr. Trump said in an exclusive interview with The Washington Times.

The president remained optimistic about Republicans retaining their House majority, but he fumed about Mrs. Pelosi’s subpoena threat should her party prevail in the midterm elections Tuesday.

He said the threat begged a lengthy court battle.

“That alone takes two years to get it to the Supreme Court — that statement — before you do anything,” he said, becoming animated with indignation. “You heard her the other night.”

Last week, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told CNN’s Dana Bash the Democrats will abuse use their subpoena power as a negotiating tool if the Dems retake the House.

“Subpoena power is interesting, to use it or not to use it. It’s a great arrow to have in your quiver in terms of negotiating on other subjects,” Pelosi said to CNN’s Dana Bash lasy Monday.

GOP Chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel blasted Pelosi too.

“By saying she’s willing to use subpoena power as a negotiating chip for other issues, Nancy Pelosi is admitting what we’ve known all along – that the countless investigations Democrats are threatening to launch are baseless and totally political,” Ronna McDaniel said.

The President also told the Washington Times he’s not worried about getting impeached if the Dems take control of the House.

“They can play that game, but I can play that game also,” Trump said.

Other House Dems such as Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Maxine Waters (D-CA) are vowing revenge if they gain a majority in the House.

Adam Schiff would replace Devin Nunes as Chairman of the Intel Committee and Maxine Waters would be Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee.

Get out and vote red all the way down the ticket! God help us if these power-hungry, violent, lawless Dems regain power.

The post Trump Says Pelosi Subpoena Threat Illegal – Vows to Take Battle to Supreme Court appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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