Has this become the new normal? When a Democrat loses a race, they refuse to concede and then, days later, suddenly discover a cache of uncounted ballots somewhere. The Western Journal has reported that Georgia Democrats have found thousands of uncounted ballots which they hope will “keep Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams’ campaign alive.”
Real Clear Politics shows Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp with 1,975,806 votes (50.3%) and Abrams with 1,916,931 (48.8%). The Libertarian candidate, Ted Metz, received 37,149 votes (0.9%). Abrams has refused to concede the race. Under Georgia elections laws, if no candidate receives over 50% of the vote, then a run-off election between the top two candidates is required to determine the winner.
Currently, 3,929,886 votes have been counted in the race. As it currently stands, Kemp is over the 50% threshold by 0.3%, which equates to 11, 790 votes. If the new ballots broke for Abrams in a huge way, bringing Kemp’s margin below 50%, a run-off election would be triggered. It is unlikely that will happen.
The Abrams camp claims there are 26,846 uncounted ballots, while the Kemp campaign says there are 21,190. Abrams campaign manager, Lauren Groh-Wargo, said, “We will continue to fight for each and every eligible vote to be counted because in a democracy, every vote should be valued. Georgians deserve nothing less.”
According to Georgia election laws, all counties must provide certified vote totals by Tuesday evening.
Kemp resigned his position as Georgia’s secretary of state on Thursday after believing he had won the gubernatorial race. As secretary of state, he was responsible for overseeing the election.
“A lawsuit has been filed over vote counting procedures in Dougherty County,” said Kurt Kastorf, a member of the Abrams’ campaign’s legal team. “We have reports of ballots never showing up, or being mis-delivered, and there was an incredible backlog. The county was continuing to send ballots at least as late as last week.”
According to CBS News, Abrams has “mobilized a campaign to reach out to voters who used provisional ballots to ensure their votes were counted.”
Kemp supporters say “Abrams is grasping at fictional straws.” His campaign press secretary, Cody Hall, said “based on counts released by the Secretary of State’s office, Brian Kemp’s margin is so large that the number of provisional ballots and overseas ballots will not change his Election Day victory. Simply put, it is mathematically impossible for Stacey Abrams to win or force a run-off election.”
Ryan Mahoney, the Kemp campaign’s communications director said “Stacey Abrams’ antics are a disgrace to democracy and completely ignore the will of the people. This is not how America works. Brian Kemp earned a clear victory on Tuesday night and holds a sizable lead as remaining provisional and military ballots are counted.”
Newt Gingrich reminded us yesterday why we can’t give this woman the benefit of the doubt. He said, “Remember Abrams’s assertion that her “blue wave” was made up of both legal and illegal residents. Remember that 22,000 of the applications her voter registration group filed in Georgia were either canceled, duplicative or couldn’t be reconciled (probably because the voters did not exist).” Sooner or later, Stacey Abrams is going to have to accept defeat. At a certain point, it’s over.
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