
Woke Lindsey Graham: There’s Nothing Democrats Won’t Do to Win – The Law Means Nothing to Liberal Democrats (Video)

- November 12, 2018

Guest post by Mike LaChance at American Lookout:

Lindsey Graham appeared on the Hannity show this week and said that Democrats will do basically anything to win the seats they’re contesting. He is right, of course. We are seeing it play out in Florida, Georgia, Arizona and California.

IJR reported:

‘There’s Nothing Democrats Won’t Do to Win’: Lindsey Graham Compares FL Vote Counting to Kavanaugh Confirmation

Sketchy behavior by vote counters in Broward County, Florida, has left many questioning whether Democrats are trying to mess with election results, including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

The South Carolina senator hasn’t had a lot of positive words for the Democratic Party since the confirmation debacle for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

“Judge Kavanaugh represents the best in our legal community,” Graham told Fox News prior to the election. “He was treated like garbage, despicable, and I hope [Democrats] pay a price.”

The senator is now comparing the current situation in Florida to the Kavanaugh hearing. In Broward County, according to the Miami Herald, official Brenda Snipes has already admitted to mixing up provisional and official ballots and has consented to having the provisional ballots inspected following pressure from Republican lawyers.

Watch the video:

The post Woke Lindsey Graham: There’s Nothing Democrats Won’t Do to Win – The Law Means Nothing to Liberal Democrats (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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