
Wow! #FakeNews Daily Beast Doctors Photo to Make it Look Like Conservative Leader Jack Posobiec Is Throwing Up Nazi Salute

- November 16, 2018

The Fake-News Daily Beast wrote about two Washington DC brothers who were planning a race war. It’s not clear how two brothers would start this war in the US but this appears to be a huge threat to Daily Beast readers.

And then in their second paragraph they attempt to tie the brothers to OAN reporter and conservative activist Jack Posobiec.

On Tuesday, the FBI announced the arrest of Jeffrey Clark, 30, on weapons charges. Clark’s brother Edward, 23, had killed himself two weeks earlier, just hours after white nationalist Robert Bowers allegedly murdered 11 worshippers at a Pittsburgh synagogue. The Clark brothers were neo-Nazis, their social media and statements to the press indicate. They made these views known online and in person, where they mingled with ostensibly less extreme racists like white nationalist Richard Spencer, Unite the Right organizer Jason Kessler, and far-right troll Jack Posobiec.

Far from “lone wolves,” the Clarks ran in a pack.

Jack Posobiec had NOTHING to do with these brothers.
But that didn’t stop the Daily Beast from smearing Jack as a white supremacist leader.

The Daily Beast even posted a photo of Jack giving the Nazi salute for the article.

But the image was doctored.
Jack Posobiec never gave the Nazi salute.

This is a case study of fake news:

The story with the photo is still posted at the Daily Beast website.

The post Wow! #FakeNews Daily Beast Doctors Photo to Make it Look Like Conservative Leader Jack Posobiec Is Throwing Up Nazi Salute appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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