
“You’ll be Great” Outgoing RINO Senator Jeff Flake Congratulates Taliban Sympathizer Kyrsten Sinema on Victory

- November 13, 2018

Outgoing Arizona Senator Jeff Flake

Radical code pink activist and Taliban sympathizer Kyrsten Sinema won the Arizona Senate race against Martha McSally several days after the polls closed.

Outgoing Arizona Senator Jeff Flake was ecstatic that a radical Marxist won the Senate race and congratulated her.

Kyrsten Sinema previously expressed her utter disgust with Arizona in a speech given in March of this year.

Jeff Flake thinks she’ll be great!

“Congratulations to @kyrstensinema on a race well run, and won. It’s been a wonderful honor representing Arizona in the Senate. You’ll be great,” Flake said in a tweet Monday evening.

Republican Martha McSally was ahead Tuesday evening when the polls closed, but the Democrats produced tens of thousands of ballots out of no where post election.

Jeff Flake may have been a Trump-hating RINO, but he did vote for both of the President’s SCOTUS nominees–now Arizona has taken a hard left turn with Sinema.

Democrats took the House in the 2018 midterms and the Republicans held onto the Senate…barely after the Dems launched a campaign to steal the Florida elections.

The post “You’ll be Great” Outgoing RINO Senator Jeff Flake Congratulates Taliban Sympathizer Kyrsten Sinema on Victory appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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