Advisors for former VP Joe Biden — who scored highest as the likely 2020 Democratic nominee in a CNN poll (see here) — are eyeing a running mate. And according to Fox News, the choice is clear: Beto O’Rourke. That’s SuperBeto to you, even though he lost in November (here).
Biden will be 78 in November 2020. Ronald Reagan was 78 at the end of his presidency, and Democrats protested and mercilessly lampooned his age during his second term, and they continued the jokes long afterward. Perhaps different rules apply when you’ve served as Barack Obama’s Number 2.
Beto will help counter Biden’s long teeth — at the time of the election, he’ll only be 48.
And the media likes him. As stated by Fox:
Last month, O’Rourke (whose birth name is Robert Francis) lost his bid to unseat Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, but nonetheless became a national Democratic figure who managed to pull in more than $80 million in donations — and was the subject of multiple media profiles that zeroed in on his skateboarding and punk rock background.
Who wouldn’t want a punk rocker in the White House?
But what of Beto running for prez himself? A recent poll scored him as the top contender (here).
Back to Fox:
[O]n Friday, O’Rourke again demurred on a possible run: “No decision, no decision on that,” he said during a town hall meeting in Austin, Texas.
Even so, he offered the audience his thoughts on what the Democrats’ candidate will need in 2020.
“This is the mother of all tests for this democracy and whether we can run a campaign, have candidates at all levels from school board to the White House who are willing to focus on issues, on our potential, on our promise, on the future instead of our fears, instead of attacking one another personally, instead of going for the most base impulse and instincts among us,” he said.
Were Biden to win, he’d be the oldest person in history to snag the Oval Office.
Age could be his greatest hurdle, but there’s also that all-important thing that comes with it:
“I think I’m the most qualified person in the country to be president. The issues that we face as a country today are the issues that I’ve worked on my whole life,” Biden, who was a senator for 36 years, told a crowd in Montana this month, according to The Missoula Current.
In a July interview with CBS News, Trump indicated he’d be pleased as punch to run against Joe:
“Look, Joe Biden ran three times. He never got more than 1 percent, and President Obama took him out of the garbage heap, and everybody was shocked that he did. I’d love to have it be Biden.”
And let’s not forget about another old-time candidate whose fanaticism may well be the wind that carries an extra hat into the ring of presidential pursuit: Hillary Clinton — who seems to have an absolutely maniacal need to rule the planet — could be looming. She’s circling…and circling. She refuses to go away (here, here, here, here, and here).
Who do you hope challenges Trump? What would you like to see? Please let us all know in the Comments section below.
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