
Alabama AG Is Investigating the Far Left Disinformation Campaign Targeting Roy Moore During Special Election

- Desember 28, 2018

Corrupt Democrats ran a Facebook smear campaign against Judge Roy Moore in the Alabama Senate race in 2017 and Facebook allowed it.

Democrat activists took what Russia did on a minute scale in the 2016 election and ramped it up times one thousand.

PLEASE NOTE: Russia’s 2016 disinformation campaign targeted both pro-Trump and pro-Hillary supporters. The liberal mainstream media does not like to mention this in their reporting. Russia spent just $6,000 in the last six weeks of the 2016 election on ads. Russia spent only $4,600 on Google ads in the 2016 campaign. The Russian influence in the 2016 election was minimal and is one of the biggest lies by the left this century.

Democrats took this “Russian model” and ramped it up — times a million!

Facebook allowed this to happen.

LinkedIn billionaire Reid Hoffman was a top funder of this deception.

But it gets better…
The same hacks who ran this deceptive campaign against Judge Roy Moore are the same people who wrote the junk “Russia interference” report for the US Senate!


Now this…
The Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall told The Washington Post on Thursday that he investigating the Democrat corruption.

Marshall is in the process of collecting information about the disinformation campaign called “Project Birmingham,” which he says possibly could have affected Moore’s tight race against Doug Jones, his Democratic opponent who ultimately won the election.

Throw the creeps in prison.

The post Alabama AG Is Investigating the Far Left Disinformation Campaign Targeting Roy Moore During Special Election appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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