The Dow Jones dropped another 653 points on Monday.
The Dow is down 5,036 since its all-time high on October 3, 2018.
Since Jerome Powell’s comments on October 3rd and continuing promises of rate hikes the Dow Jones is down 18.7%.
The Dow is down over 5,000 points or 18%!

The stock market crashed 14% after the 9-11 Islamic attacks on America.
The Dow Jones has dropped over 5,000 points since the Fed’s Jerome Powell’s insidious comments in early October to guarantee interest rate increases from now till infinity.
The DOW reached another all-time high on October 3rd reaching 26,829. It was up for the 103rd time since Donald Trump was elected President and 46% since the November 2016 election.
This was clearly too much for the Fed’s Powell who then scared investors with his message that he will raise rates well into next year.
Over $5 Trillion in Wealth has been erased!
As a result of Fed Chief Powell’s actions, Americans have watched their 401k’s dissolve into thin air.
The Powell Stock Market Crash is now greater than the 9-11 Attack Stock Market Crash!
Dear President give this country and ENORMOUS Christmas present!
Please can this lunatic!
The post CAN HIS A$$! JEROME POWELL STOCK MARKET CRASH NOW GREATER THAN 9-11 DISASTER appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.