
Sarah Sanders Shares ‘Powerful’ Christmas Day Moment Between a Soldier and President Trump

- Desember 26, 2018



According to the Left, President Trump divides everyone.

Also according to the Left, it seems, all Americans hate the President.

Wouldn’t that mean we’re united?

Apparently, some people like Trump — even those who fight at his command, in the United States military.

Subsequently, via Twitter Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders shared a “powerful” encounter between the Commander-in-Chief and a serviceman, during the President and First Lady’s surprise visit to a military base in Iraq on Christmas Day.

As per Sanders’s inspiring tweet, upon a member of the U.S. Army’s meeting with POTUS, he told the Leader of the Free World that he’d rejoined the service because of him.

The President responded, “And I am here because of you.”

Afterward, the soldier gave Sanders a patch from his arm, which reads “Brave Rifles” — a nickname for Fort Hood’s 3rd Cavalry Regiment of the U.S. Army.

Despite the media’s portrayal, Trump, too has touching moments. Had the encounter involved President Obama, it surely would’ve been a featured feel-good story across the mainstream. Thank goodness for Twitter, so conservatives can be privy to such incidents. And thanks to Sarah Sanders for sharing.



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