
Trump Tweet Trilogy Part 2: ‘An All-Concrete Wall Was NEVER ABANDONED’

- Desember 31, 2018



And now, on to Part Two of my New Years Eve Trilogy of Trump statements about the wall.

At 6:51 this morning — as millions still lay snuggled up in my West Coast city of residence — Donald Trump was bangin’ around, taking care of business in a flash (which, by the way, was Elvis’s slogan — he handed out TCB necklaces to those within his organization).

An early order of business for the President on this last day of 2018: to let Americans know that his recent released image of a border wall — which is to say, a border fence — shouldn’t be taken as an indication that a “wall” is off the table.

For those of you who missed it, on December 22nd, Donald J. tweeted out a digital rendering of a “beautiful” steel slat barrier. The Left responded in no unpredictable way. See all of that here.

Now, the follow-up:

“An all concrete Wall was NEVER ABANDONED, as has been reported by the media. Some areas will be all concrete but the experts at Border Patrol prefer a Wall that is see through (thereby making it possible to see what is happening on both sides). Makes sense to me!”

Good to know. And it does make a lot of sense.

The image of a tall, spiked barrier drew special attention to big-name Democrats’ hypocrisy: Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama all endorsed 2006’s Fence Act (here). So where’s their support now? They can’t throw it, because they’ve painted themselves into a corner — they’ve characterized all things Trump as evil, and, therefore, all things border security as racist.

But just years ago, they themselves disagreed. So did — as I pointed out in Part One — Barack Obama and Bill Clinton (here and here).

Wall, fence, potato, poTAHto. Americans want security. And Trump wants them to know he hasn’t abandoned his campaign promise.

Because he takes care of business. Like Elvis.


BONUS: In addition to the King of Rock and Roll’s “American Trilogy,” here’s some good ol’ “Polk Salad Annie.” Gator got your granny, woman! “A mean, vicious, straight-razor-totin’ woman. Lord have mercy!” “Her daddy was lazy and no count!”


Relevant RedState links in this article: herehere and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: Space Command, nut on the Statue, and a National Wreaths Across America Day surprise

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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