First things first: In case you haven’t heard, New York has voted to allow abortion up until birth. Please discover more here.
You’re no doubt aware of Brexit, but are you familiar with Blexit? It’s a movement begun by Candace Owens, with the mission of “freeing” black people from the grips of the Democratic Party.
Participants held their first live event Sunday night in downtown LA, with featured speakers including Ann coulter, Larry Elder, Carhlie Kirk, and David Harris Jr.
Backstage, The Daily Caller interviewed Candace, and here’s what she had to say:
“[Blexit] is the Black and Latino exit from the lies of the Left. .. For too long we’ve been taken advantage of. … We’re Americans first.”
The pro-Trump activist (and Director of Communication at Turning Point USA) equated wavin’ “buh-bye” to the party of Bernie and Barack with “embracing [the] future”:
“[We’re exiting] from the victim narrative. It’s time for us to come together and realize that we are a part of the American picture. … We’ve been abused, we’ve been used. We were constantly force-fed this fearful narrative. It’s time for us to take authority over our lives and to say, ‘We want to be victors of our experiences. We want a piece of this, too.’ … I think leaving the Democrat Party is almost embracing your future and the potential of your future at this point.”
Check out the movement’s website, which describes itself thusly:
BLEXIT is a frequency for those who have released themselves from the political orthodoxy. It is a rebellion led by Americans wishing to disrupt the simulation of fear.
BLEXIT is a renaissance. It is our formal declaration of independence.
Watch Candace’s fantastic interview below.
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