
HARD DATA: Illegal Aliens Are 163% More Likely to Be Convicted of First Degree Murder than US Citizens in Arizona

- Januari 09, 2019

They’re not sending their best.

A SSRN study by John R. Lott published in February 2018 found that from 1985-2017 illegal aliens had a 163% greater chance of being convicted of 1st degree murder than Arizona citizens. Illegals had a 168% greater chance of being convicted of 2nd degree murder than an Arizona citizen.

This is startling news that is typically ignored by the liberal mainstream media.

Via Andrew Bostom:

Here is a summary page from the study.

The post HARD DATA: Illegal Aliens Are 163% More Likely to Be Convicted of First Degree Murder than US Citizens in Arizona appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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