What do you call 250 leftwing journalists on food stamps? A good start.
Yesterday the corporate ax fell at BuzzFeed and at Verizon Media (which includes HuffPost, AOL and Yahoo News among others) and about 1,000 people were laid off. BuzzFeed reportedly shed 215 staff and at least 20 were at Huffington Post. Let’s take a moment and appreciate the damage to the Republic that will come from missing these voices. Think of the critical stories that won’t be covered:
While reporting today about federal workers who can't afford tampons, I was laid off from HuffPost. If there's anything I can say after 7 years, it's that I will finish the story. (Also if you're looking to hire a reporter to cover poverty and inequality, I'm available)
— Eleanor Goldberg (@ESGoldberg) January 24, 2019
Think of the loss of talent and perspective
HuffPo just laid off their entire public health team as a new Ebola outbreak begins. Also, lots of criminal justice, poverty, and environmental justice reporters who were covering the shutdown. You should hire and/or follow them. https://t.co/u1Uov2Bite
— Erinn O'Dear (@erinnthered) January 24, 2019
HuffPo writers getting laid off is basically like steel workers losing their jobs. Watch out! Your overpaid job writing listicles in an extravagant Manhattan office could be next! pic.twitter.com/hufO8HQCAH
— dietofworms.us (@1791L) January 25, 2019
A comedy in 3 Acts: pic.twitter.com/gV9P4X2yNe
— EducatëdHillbilly
(@RobProvince) January 24, 2019
It might appear uncharitable but there’s a reason why many Americans aren’t too concerned with the latest woke media layoffs. Exhibit 9005 pic.twitter.com/jZ6hESfXHb
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) January 24, 2019
With a PhD in Romantic Comedy, this one shouldn't have a hard time finding another job… pic.twitter.com/KNWc2Qnc7f
— Lester Jenkins (@lesterjenkins) January 25, 2019
Wait, wait, you can get a Ph.D. in romantic comedies?
Guess HuffPo didn’t care about diversity enough pic.twitter.com/BuXpsckhz4
— Ashe Schow (@AsheSchow) January 25, 2019
Yeah – "real journalists" can't gloat over other journalists getting laid off.
"Real journalists" just get happy when they were never hired in the first place, due to their race or sex, and not at all due to their skill level.
Isn't that right, Chloe? How's HuffPo Opinion now? pic.twitter.com/oIfS8qnTMR
— Jeremiah Harding
(@InsanityIsFree) January 25, 2019
Is there a “Sorry you got fired from your job of smearing conservatives and ruining lives for clicks” hallmark card?
— Will (@Oil_Guns_Merica) January 24, 2019
Thoughts on the BuzzFeed and HuffPo layoffs:
Imagine if someone was paid to egg your car every week.
Now imagine those people got laid off.
— Lee Doren (@LDoren) January 25, 2019
When you look at this collection of crap you are left with one of two thoughts: a) WTF were they thinking when they hired this person or b) this person should never work again. In some cases, there is c) both.
While there isn’t a lot of info on the cuts at BuzzFeed, the HuffPo cuts were mostly from the elimination of the “opinion” and “health” sections with, presumably, some deadwood tossed in for good measure. It isn’t hard to see why these SJWs were eliminated. Opinions, as they say, are like rectums because everyone has one and while the collection of assclowns writing opinions for HuffPo might have been uniquely unqualified to even have opinions about anything they weren’t providing anything that can’t be seen on CNN or read on the front page of the New York Times. Their medical reporting gave superficial a bad name. Issues, like Ebola, are covered much better by other outlets who actually know what they are writing about. Basically, the organizations cut were those that no one read and seemed to exist solely for the ability of the people to engage in virtue signaling.
Blowing up this sinecure for political extremists is not only good for the corporate bottom line, it is good for society and for the nation. The bonus here is that those of this group who are actually able to find employment probably aren’t going to be writing opinion for a living.
But there is hope. Maybe they can take their own advice and learn to code.
Um, no. This is what you assholes told coal miners when Obama put them out of work, and now it’s being lobbed back at you. https://t.co/JOsylKa9gP
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) January 25, 2019
I believe there is a special, dedicated section of Hell just for people with anime twitter avatars who tell laid-off journalists to “learn to code”
— Punished "Venom" Patrick George (@bypatrickgeorge) January 24, 2019
Really? Apparently HuffPo thought it was a thing.
Has anyone told the Huffpo writers who've been laid off? https://t.co/plHd8Zakrf
— FilmLadd (@FilmLadd) January 25, 2019
Just read the BuzzFeed and HuffPo news. When the layoffs come down, hit up my DMs, they’re open. We’ll find writing opportunities for those we can, at least to cushion the landing.
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) January 24, 2019
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The post Laid Off HuffPo Journalists Not Interested in Learning to Code appeared first on RedState.