
Male Lingerie Model Identifying as Female Lingerie Model Slams Victoria’s Secret For Ball-Based Bigotry

- Januari 31, 2019



Do you like things? Do you not like things? Do you fancy meatloaf and despise goulash? If so, you’re a bigot. You must like all things.

That seems to be the concept beneath Munroe Bergdorf’s attack on that preference-havin’ deplorable, Victoria’s Secret.

Munroe is a lacy-underclothes model dude identifying as a lingerie model superchick. He’s the star of fashion company Bluebella’s latest skimpy initiative, £LoveYourself.

The campaign is his first-ever shoot in undies since exercising his own preference: not to have manjunk. Hence, the knife.

That was likely necessary; otherwise, Gonzo.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Munroe (previously with L’Oreal — see the video below) struck at Victoria’s Secret, who announced last year that they wouldn’t use transgender models in their big-time annual catwalk:

“It’s a big shame Victoria’s Secret decided not to be inclusive of trans women within their shows or campaigns. Lingerie should be something that all women can enjoy.”

That remark may seem inapplicable, but — as we learned here — not all women have vaginas. Also, having a not-vagina and also not having a vagina doesn’t make you a woman; something else does (here).

Munroe appears to be confusing access to a world-famous stage with being able to enjoy clothes.

More on lingerie and Victoria:

“It’s something personal, beautiful and intimate that is a celebration of femininity, something that every woman should have the option of being included in. True diversity is the future, let’s leave any form of discrimination or exclusion in the past.”

Okay; as for the embrace of diversity, why isn’t the company letting my grandmother in the show? A 70-year-old man with a mustache? Your mom? John Kerry, who owns the ugliest shirt in political history? Why are they discriminating? Why are they preferring?

John wants to know–

Lo, everyone cannot take the stage. And philosophically, as I pointed out here, true inclusivity is unattainable.

But back to Bluebella. From The Daily Mail:

Bluebella’s campaign champions women from all walks of life in a bid to redefine sensuality – with model and fire eater Sophie Lee, 23, who was horrifically burned and albino student Joanne Dion, 21, also starring in the saucy snaps.

Munroe added: ‘What’s so amazing about lingerie is that it can really emphasise your own femininity.

‘I’m proud to be part of a campaign that is encouraging all women to feel empowered and sexy in their own ways, on their own terms.

Emily Bendell, the company’s owner, echoes the sentiment:

“We chose Munroe to front our £LoveYourself campaign because she has proven herself to be a brave and bold voice, an icon in an age of increasing social awareness. She has used her profile to advocate for a fairer world and to empower individuals to fight for positive change.”

Oh — and about Victoria’s Secret Chief Marketing Officer Ed Razek’s dust-up with the woke over not having men in the show, as reported by Mashable:

Razek originally stated that Victoria’s Secret has not and should not cast trans models because they’re not consistent with the “fantasy,” as he called it, presented by the show. Now, Razek says that the company has never cast trans models because they simply didn’t make the cut, not because of their gender. And that Victoria’s Secret would “absolutely cast a transgender model.”

If you’re scratching your head at this circular logic, and wondering whether this statement really contradicts in any way the idea that trans models aren’t part of the “fantasy” that Victoria’s Secret tries to present — well folks, you’re not alone!

That article’s headline was “Victoria’s Secret Shouldn’t Dictate What ‘Sexy’ is if Transgender Models Don’t Fit its ‘Fantasy.'”

Again, people — and companies — can’t have a preference.

So shut up and eat your goulash.



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