
Rudy Giuliani: Mueller Should Be Investigated for Wiping Out the Strzok-Page Texts (VIDEO)

- Januari 03, 2019

Will the real crooks ever face justice?

  • Hillary breaks numerous laws with her homebrew server, for deleting emails under subpoena, for lying under oath and for careless handling of classified information.
  • Obama spied on his political opponents during the 2016 election for months!
  • Comey, Rosenstein and the Deep State lied to the FISA Court to spy on the Trump campaign.
  • Comey and Obama ran with a obviously fraudulent document to spy on Donald Trump.
  • Hillary and the DNC paid for the junk Russia dossier and the deep state knew this – used it anyway.
  • General Michael Flynn was set up by Comey and Deep State operatives.
  • And Mueller deep state destroyed thousands of text messages between Strzok and Page after they were fired from Special Counsel.

Rudy Giuliani told Sean Hannity on Wednesday night that Robert Mueller Mueller needs to be investigated.
It’s about time!

Rudy Giuliani: Mueller has to be investigated for wiping out those texts at an extremely relevant period of time. They say it’s part of the Justice Department retention policy. Garbage! It’s not part of the Justice Department retention policy to destroy the evidence!

Rudy Giuliani also told Sean he will release a report after Mueller releases his report to the press.

Via Hannity:

The post Rudy Giuliani: Mueller Should Be Investigated for Wiping Out the Strzok-Page Texts (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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