The NGO human smuggling ship SeaWatch 3 is still at sea with the 49 illegal migrants aboard that they picked up last week.
The NGO ship is not allowed to dump their migrants in most European countries, like Malta, Italy and Greece.
It is not clear if Spain will take their migrants again.
#Breaking: The Illegal NGO human smuggeling ship "#SeaWatch3" is still at sea with The 49 illegal migrants aboard the ship from last week ago! Because it cannot port in most European countries, like malta, italty and greece. However it is not clear if spain will take them again.
— Sotiri Dimpinoudis (@sotiridi) January 2, 2019
The Sea Watch 3 posted this on Twitter on Tuesday.
“49 people have been on NGOs @seawatch_intl’ ships and stranded for days @seaeyeorg. Together with my colleague Dietmar Köster MEP, I appeal to the EU Member States and, in particular, Germany, to finally take in the rescued! That is what requires humanity.”
The Sea Watch organization complained on Twitter that no countries want to accept their migrants anymore.
Tweet translated: International maritime law no longer applies, humanity has become in short supply: Since before Christmas there has been no safe haven for migrants rescued #seawatch3 @seawatchcrew from distress at sea on
Internationales Seerecht gilt nicht mehr, Humanität ist Mangelware geworden: seit vor Weihnachten gibt es keinen sicheren Hafen für aus Seenot gerettete Migranten auf #seawatch3 @seawatchcrew
— JCKitzler (@JCKitzler) January 2, 2019
Soros’ Open Society is one of the major funders behind the NGO migrant ships.
According to GEFIRA — there is an extensive network of open borders activists and organizations behind the migrant NGO ships, many of them are directly funded by or cooperated with George Soros’ Open Society. Is it illegal? Not really. Political activism is an essential part of democratic societies. However, sometimes it goes too far, or the promoted causes prove to be either unrealistic or unsustainable.
The post Soros-Funded NGO Ship ‘Sea-Watch 3’ Roams Mediterranean After It is Banned from Ports in Malta, Greece and Italy appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.