
The Democrat Machine Is Running Scared of Howard Schultz and They Should

- Januari 31, 2019

FILE – In this March 22, 2017, file photo, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz speaks at the Starbucks annual shareholders meeting in Seattle. Schultz has told employees at an employee following the violence at the Aug. 12, 2017, white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that bigotry, hatred and senseless acts of violence against “people who are not white” cannot stand. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson, File)

There is a tiny boomlet forming around the potential independent candidacy of Starbuck’s founder Howard Schultz. I’m not particularly sure what he brings to the table but a guy with a lot of money can always get attention if he wants it. Whatever his potential, one thing is for sure, he has the Democrats scared.

Why is that? Schultz is sort of a Mitt Romney/John Kasich figure, a radical moderate:

One would think they would be fluffing Schultz and trying to create a Ross Perot candidate who could peel of GOP voters who are still pissed off that Trump is the candidate in 2020.

This is the problem. Right now the Democrat primary field is shaping up to be the most socialist and anti-American group of candidates the Democrat party has ever fielded.

CREDIT: Gallup Organization, http://bit.ly/2CVJsEe

Among rank and file voters, a clear majority want a candidate who is not on the ballot in the upcoming primary. While you may argue that Republicans don’t have a conservative on the ballot, they do have someone who has delivered more conservative actions in two years than the last two GOP presidents combined.

A socially liberal candidate who sounds not insane running as an independent–no allegiance to “the swamp”–could potentially take a high-single-to-low-double-digit bite out of the Democrat. A Howard Schultz who pulls even 4 points in the general election guarantees a Donald Trump victory.

And, according to this graph, he’s positioned exactly where he needs to be in order to pull Democrat votes but is too liberally on social issues to do much more than knock John Kasich out of the race.

Schultz fits in around the center of the grid, around the 0,0 intersection. There’s probably a metaphor in there somewhere.

For Schultz’s part, he’s smart enough to a) get out of the coffee business while the getting was good and b) to know that the Democrat national machine will destroy him in a primary.

How does this play out?

A guy like Schultz has more options than a Robert Francis O’Rourke or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. If he decides to actually make a run of it he will have the resources and the organizational experience to make a go of it. And that will make things much more interesting.

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The post The Democrat Machine Is Running Scared of Howard Schultz and They Should appeared first on RedState.


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