
Tom Arnold Challenges Mike Cernovich to Charity Boxing Match – Cernovich Accepts

- Januari 14, 2019

Trump-hating slug Tom Arnold, 59, challenged Mike Cernovich, 41, to a charity boxing match — and Cernovich accepted.

Tom Arnold angrily tweeted to Cernovich on Sunday, “I will destroy you. Time & place, Cernovich and don’t pretend you didn’t back out last time. Nazi lover Jesse James offer to sub for you when you two pals were on Infowars but he chickened out too. It’s 2019. Trump is toast. All is forgiven. Let’s do this little man.”

Cernovich wrote in a blog post that Tom Arnold “has never trained and is too old for such nonsense,” but for charity he will agree to the boxing match.

Mike Cernovich proposed the fight take place on March 1st in Washington D.C., because 10,000 additional people will be in town for CPAC.

“Tom Arnold will start a GoFundMe to raise money for a veteran’s charity. I trust him to partner with a great cause and keep track of the donations.”

“We’ll both sell tickets, with all proceeds going to charity,” Mike Cernovich said in a blog post Sunday.

Tom Arnold said he’s going to beat the hell out of Cernovich — but in the same sentence asked if he could ‘bring a couple of Iowa buddies.’

“I will definitely come to CCRAP and beat hell out of Cernovich. Can I bring a couple Iowa buddies because there’s a whole bunch of fake christian white supremacist anti-gay anti-America Trump/Putin loving NRA suck up ass to be kicked on that MF stage,” Tom Arnold said in a tweet on Sunday.

UFC referee and MMA legend Pat Miletich has agreed to referee the charity boxing match!

Will Tom Arnold actually go through with his threat or is he just a keyboard warrior?

The post Tom Arnold Challenges Mike Cernovich to Charity Boxing Match – Cernovich Accepts appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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