
WOW! GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel Hits Uncle Mitt Romney After Disgusting WaPo Anti-Trump Screed

- Januari 02, 2019

Anti-Trump elitist trash Mitt Romney took a shot at President Trump in a Washington Post op-ed just two days before he is set to be sworn in to the Senate.

Over the years, Mitt Romney has criticized Trump’s stance on immigration and he really stepped up his attacks after Trump passed him over for Secretary of State.

Mitt was a very vocal critic of President Trump during the 2016 election.

On Tuesday Romney opened the New Year showing his true character, that of an elitist, egotistical, Trump-hater with no regard to conservative-populist Americans. Mitt and his GOP elite cohorts believe the way to win over Trump voters is with constant insults.

President Trump responded to Mitt Romney on Wednesday morning.

This morning GOP Chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel, who is Mitt’s niece, blasted her Uncle Mitt for his very calculated attack on Republican President Trump.

Good for Ronna!
Uncle Mitt put her in an awful place — once again!

Trump 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale also hit Mitt Romney after the disgusting hit piece.

The post WOW! GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel Hits Uncle Mitt Romney After Disgusting WaPo Anti-Trump Screed appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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