
5 Ways Jussie Smollett Could’ve Made His Fake Attack More Believable

- Februari 26, 2019

As Red State‘s T. LaDuke wrote last night, the Chicago police are saying there’s a lot more evidence against Jussie Smollett that they haven’t released yet.

We know from the available evidence already out there, the police department already has a strong enough case to put the actor behind bars.

That said, there are ways Smollett could have staged the bogus incident so as to have made himself come off as more credible. Here are five of them.

1. Dress up as a Trump administration official and then go out to eat (Subway sandwich: optional).

Kellyanne Conway can attest to this. So can White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders.

Of course, these things happen when you have Democrats openly encouraging their party faithful to get in the faces of Trump supporters, no matter where they are.

2. Attend a rally in support of Donald Trump.

Who could forget this one:

Protests outside a Donald Trump rally in downtown San Jose spun out of control Thursday night when some demonstrators attacked the candidate’s supporters.

Protesters jumped on cars, pelted Trump supporters with eggs and water balloons, snatched signs and stole “Make America Great” hats off supporters’ heads before burning the hats and snapping selfies with the charred remains.

Several people were caught on camera punching Trump supporters. At least one attacker was arrested, according to CNN, although police did not release much information.

Because TOLERANCE™ and stuff.

3. Don a MAGA hat and then head out for a day of shopping.

Even if it doesn’t get you physically attacked – or on the wrong end of a gun, you’ll be told your business isn’t wanted, and urged to go elsewhere.

That is assuming you don’t get cursed out by store employees first.

4. Tell your college classmates you’re a big fan of Ben Shapiro’s, and have invited him to speak on campus.

You may not personally be assaulted, but you can best believe they’ll do everything they can to violently shout down viewpoints they find “offensive” in an effort to restore “safe spaces” on campus.

5. Show up to a pro-life march along with your fellow high school students, while wearing a MAGA hat.

Not only will the digital lynch mob go after you full force, but so-called “respectable” members of the community will, too. Not to mention the threats your high school will have to endure.

Keep in mind that I’m most definitely NOT encouraging anyone to stage anything like this. I’m just saying that if they did, it would make them a lot more believable, considering how often actual attacks against Trump supporters/defenders have been happening over the last few years.

Just sayin’.

Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–

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