Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is continuously proving to be the Democrat’s worst nightmare as yet another poll shows that when added to the 2020 lineup of presidential contenders, Trump’s chances improve dramatically to win reelection.
As highlighted by the Daily Wire, Schultz acts as a foil to the majority of Democrat hopefuls with the exception of one:
A new Emerson College poll of Iowa voters shows that when Schultz is added to the mix, Trump’s chances of beating his top Democratic rivals jumps up significantly. Despite being underwater in approval by 2 points in the poll, 46-48%, the survey of 831 registered Iowa voters found Trump edging out 7 of 8 of his potential Democratic contenders (and blowing away potential primary challenger former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, 90-10%), but mostly within the margin of error. When Schultz is listed as an Independent option, however, Trump’s lead expands dramatically.
The only Democrat listed who would edge out Trump head-to-head is Joe Biden (51-49). All the others fell short: Bernie Sanders (50-51), Elizabeth Warren (48-52), Kamala Harris (47-53), Beto O’Rourke (47-53), Kirsten Gillibrand (46-54), Sherrod Brown (46-55), and Nancy Pelosi (45-55).
No matter what, the polls continue to show Schultz is more attractive to Democrats than the party would like to admit. On Monday, RedState reported on a Politico/Morning Consult poll that showed similar results, with a third of Democrats saying they’d consider voting for the former CEO.
John McCain’s 2008 chief strategist Steve Schmidt, who is currently advising Schultz on his potential 2020 run, nailed the reason why Schultz seems so attractive to Democrats.
“It seems that nobody who is speculating about that on Twitter has given any thought to the possibility that the Democratic Party nominates someone who is so far to the left that it guarantees Trump a reelection,” said Schmidt. “And at that point, the only person who would theoretically be able to stop Trump from a second term is a centrist candidacy of someone like Schultz.”
In short, the Democrats are drifting too far into radical territory against their own best interests. As I wrote in more detail last month, the sudden interest Democrats have in Kamala Harris, a radical leftist, is only backing up Schmidt’s point.
(READ: Why Kamala Harris’s Surge In Popularity Signals Democrats Are Heading For Disaster)
Polls consistently show that the Democrats’ only hope of victory lies in former VP Joe Biden. However, Democrats have openly expressed anger at the prospect of handing leadership of the party to another white man, and believe Biden would be a step backward in their identitarian world.
At this point, Schultz is Trump’s best frienemy, but Democrats have only themselves to blame.
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