Just over a week ago, obscure actor, Jussie Smollett, made national headlines when he claimed he’d been beaten by two racist and homophobic Trump supporters in Chicago at 2am on one of the coldest nights in years.
Smollette’s story quickly raised suspicions leading to an unprecedented investigation for a crime of this nature.
If Jussie is telling the truth, the crime is heinous and the thugs must be caught and brought to justice. If, on the other hand, Jussie is lying about what happened that night, then HE needs to be brought to justice for wasting tens of thousands of dollars in police resources, not to mention the opportunity costs of all the time not spent on real cases while they chased down this one.
Police are making progress getting to the truth about what, if anything, happened to actor Jussie Smollet.
Rafer Weigel reports:
.@Chicago_Police say they’ve ID’d retailers of the rope found on #JussieSmollet & are now visiting every store in the city 2 check surveillance 2 see who bought it. They’ve also obtained more video from nearby hotels & red light cameras. Still no video of alleged attack
— Rafer Weigel (@RaferWeigel) February 7, 2019
If this guy is lying, he’s screwed.
.@Chicago_Police say they are combing through 100’s of hours of video to piece together every step #JussieSmollet made that night and given the amount of cameras where he was they say they’ll be able to do it. It’s just taking a lot of time and canvassing.
— Rafer Weigel (@RaferWeigel) February 7, 2019
Rafer is bravely doing the job of an old fashioned reporter. He’s getting information from official and background sources, and reporting it regardless of political/social implications. Straight. Unbiased. No wonder hacks like DeRay are attacking him!
I realized today that Chicago “reporter” @RaferWeigel is responsible for much of the misinformation disseminated by Chicago PD “sources” about #JussieSmollett as he literally just repeats whatever the police say.
— deray (@deray) February 6, 2019
He’s reporting what police are saying, Dray. Note the 2nd word in the previous sentence.
Hey @fox32news, are you ok with this rumor spread by your “anchor”, @RaferWeigel about #JussieSmollett’s attack that is still under investigation by the @Chicago_Police? I can find no evidence of this anywhere, and the rumor started with Rafer’s tweet. pic.twitter.com/NvApFcV3zr
— Fab Miss Em: Smart, Strategic, See-Through Genius (@fabmissem) February 2, 2019
I reported what police told me. That’s what reporting is. I can’t help it if they didn’t tell anyone else.
— Rafer Weigel (@RaferWeigel) February 2, 2019
Also I question any supposed reporter who thinks it’s fine that the Chicago PD is carrying out a smear campaign against a victim of a crime
Yeah, that’s just crazy town right there. The police have been extremely consistent in treating Mr Smollett as a victim of a crime. If anything, Mr Smollett is receiving preferential treatment. How many other muggings in his neighborhood receive this many police man hours? This is not the only alleged racial attack to go down in the very high rent Streeterville neighborhood. (He’s living with the 1%ers fo sho!) Has there ever been a police response of this magnitude for any other similar crime that happens regularly in Chicago?
In fact, just last year, this same neighborhood had to putout warnings due to violent attacks. I wonder how many man hours were spent investigating these crimes vs those alleged by Jussie Smollett.
Police warn of violent robberies in Streeterville https://t.co/gPESixfUnk pic.twitter.com/keC2GGzkII
— NBC Chicago (@nbcchicago) January 31, 2018
The post BREAKING: NEW LEAD In Jussie Smollett Case – Retailers Of Rope Jussie Wore For Police Identified appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.