
Documentary of Robert Mueller Shows “He’s No Patriot!”

- Februari 25, 2019

Guest post by Joe Hoft

The head of the Special Counsel for which President Trump is under investigation for ties with Russia, Robert Mueller, has a storied past. A review of his actions over the past couple decades shows a man at the center of cover-ups, crimes and runaway investigations.

InfoWars came out with an excellent documentary on the corrupt current head of the Mueller investigation, Robert Mueller. This 30 minute video shows that Mueller is not the boy scout that the mainstream media would like Americans to believe. He is at the center of numerous criminal actions and cover-ups. Watch and see for yourself –

The Gateway Pundit is noted in the documentary as well as FOX News’ Sean Hannity who says the following about the Mueller investigation –

We now have in this country what is a runaway investigation. It’s spinning out of control. It’s led by Mueller and his merry band of Trump hating, Deep State, sycophants!

The documentary is narrated by Robert Barnes from Barnes Law.

SIGN THE PETITION: End The Robert Mueller “Witch Hunt” For Good!

We have been writing about Mueller and his band of conflicted Democrats running the corrupt and criminal Mueller investigation for two years now.  We’ve written a number of posts about the Mueller team and how it is corrupt.  Here is a sampling starting with a post on the corrupt team that Mueller put together to run his coup –

HERE Is the Complete List of Mueller’s Team of 13 Angry Democrats: What the Conspiracy Media Tells You, And What Is the Truth

Here’s a post on the 10 reasons why the Mueller investigation is unconstitutional (which includes a number of items from Robert Barnes.) –

HERE IT IS=> Top 10 Reasons Why the Mueller Investigation is Unconstitutional (June Update)

Here’s a list of those indicted by Mueller (it’s a horrible scam).  Some are targeted individuals and others are made up Russians.

Updated List of Mueller Indictments: More Than 80% Are Russians Who (If They Are Real People) Will Never Face US Courts

The Mueller investigation is a sham because Robert Mueller is a sham.  Period!

The post Documentary of Robert Mueller Shows “He’s No Patriot!” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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