
Embattled Virginia Governor Ralph Northam Abruptly Changes Political Affiliation

- Februari 02, 2019

This is an added twist to the tale of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam who started out defending infanticide and wound up trying to explain away him wearing either blackface or a KKK outfit, he actually won’t say which, in a medical school yearbook photo. Last night he gave a televised statement to tell Virginians, like his political backer Bill Kristol, that he wasn’t going anywhere. This is how it appeared on CNN:

Yep. Somehow, Northam suddenly became a Republican.

Ordinarily you’d think this was an accident but then you have to ask yourself: how is this accident even possible? Why is it that all these mistakes CNN makes run in exactly one direction? When was the last time a damaging but false story was spread about any Democrat by CNN? When was the last time they made a blunder on their chyrons when it hurt a Democrat? Don’t they employ freakin editors at CNN?

The fact that this happens as the left is blowing an artery trying to push the story–presented with no documentary evidence–that Northam was on the verge of switching parties at one point makes it a little hard to credit this as oops.

There are two plausible possibilities. One, someone was goofing around and had constructed this chyron and it accidentally rolled. If true that shows the deep anti-Republican bias in the CNN organization and a blinding lack of discipline in their production operation. Two, they know a lot of their viewers (perhaps most) are in places like gyms, airports, etc. where CNN runs with the sound off. In that case, Northam is effectively labeled as a Republican for most of CNN’s audience. Neither option speaks all that well of CNN’s ability to act as a news gathering organization rather than its default position as part of the Democrat party.

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The post Embattled Virginia Governor Ralph Northam Abruptly Changes Political Affiliation appeared first on RedState.


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