There has been an new video released by Lin Wood, a libel lawyer representing Nicholas Sandmann, the Covington Catholic High School student who was grotesquely maligned base on his chance encounter with a “Native American elder” who is also a liar and guilty of Stolen Valor.
Wood pulled together multiple videos of the incident and the story it shows, with proper context and without selective editing, is that Sandmann and his classmates behaved much better than most groups of teens would have behaved under the circumstances. It also shows that Nathan Phillips deliberately targeted the group of teens and, as you can see at the end, does a little victory celebration. One of Phillips’s toads is hurling invective and insults at the kids as the aging fraud bangs in tom-tom in Nicholas Sandmann’s face.
The video is long but if you can’t watch it all start at 0:33 and watch the Black Hebrews in action first hazing the “Indigenous Peoples March” and then turning their attention to the Covington Catholic kids. At 6:29 you get the confrontation with context.
A couple of things were reinforced, I won’t say learned because we knew them, from this. The first is that the left and the press are wedded to a particular narrative. That is, that all Trump supporters are racists. Period. When the first partial video appeared, virtually no one in the media asked any questions. Our fearless truth tellers degenerated into a lynch mob. The second thing we discovered is that there are a lot of people who claim to be conservative but who are much more interested in signalling their virtue to the “right people” in the media than they are in the truth. In this case, rather than withhold judgment on a fragment of a video, without context, and which validated every stereotype the left has of anyone who supports Trump, these people let their own animus to libel a teenager, his classmates, his parents, and his school. Doing that deliberately is detestable but at least it has a rational basis: political advantage. Doing it just to go along with the cool crowd is much worse.
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