Chicago police told reporters on Saturday that the they are no longer looking at ‘Empire’ star Jussie Smollett as a victim in his alleged assault. Police now view Smollett as an “active participant.”
Smollett retained two criminal defense attorneys as his claims about being attacked by “Trump supporters” continues to crumble.
One of Smollett’s high-powered criminal defense lawyers, Michael Monico, also represents Michael Cohen.
Fox reported Saturday afternoon that the Nigerian brothers who were “persons of interest” and questioned by police, bought the rope found around Jussie Smollett’s neck at a local hardware store.
Jussie Smollett paid for the rope — The Nigerian brothers were paid $3,500 before leaving for Nigeria and were promised another $500 as soon as they returned back to the US.
Smollett also had the Nigerian brothers purchase two red ball caps from Uptown Beauty Supply to wear during the attack so they would appear to be Trump supporters!
What a sick, conniving fraud!
NEW: Sources say at least one of the brothers purchased the rope used in Jussie Smollett incident at Crafty Beaver hardware store the weekend of Jan 25th.
Plain red hats worn by brothers were purchased from an Uptown beauty supply store. @cbschicago
— Charlie De Mar (@CharlieDeMar) February 17, 2019
This was a well planned out hoax attack.
And Smollett kept the lies going all month.
He should do serious time.
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