
Don Lemon Says Kellyanne Conway Should be Barred from CNN to Protect the Network’s ‘Dignity’

- Maret 16, 2019



Don Lemon is very left-wing. He makes no bones about it.

As for the bones of Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway, he’d prefer they stay off CNN — mostly to protect the network’s “dignity.”

Yes — he said CNN has dignity.

Dig their dignity here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Or how’s about a lil’ bit o’ Acosta, here, here, and here?

On Thursday, while transitioning from Chris Cumo’s show to Lemon’s, the two conversed about Kellyanne’s airtime worthiness.

Don isn’t a fan:

“She never answers a question. She berates you. She’s condescending.”

And furthermore…here it comes:

“For me, it feels beneath the dignity of this network to have someone one who constantly lies and misconstrues things.”

I’ll wait for that to sink in.

Need to read it again? Okay:

“For me, it feels beneath the dignity of this network to have someone one who constantly lies and misconstrues things.”

Those words were spoken on CNN.

Meanwhile, the network faces a $250 million lawsuit for its misconstrued reporting on the Covington Catholic High School students.

Way to go, goobs.

Thanks for the dignity.

In addition to the links above, see my article “CNN’s ‘Journalist Of The Year’ Winner Admits He Made Up His Stories And Needs Psychiatric Help.”

And enjoy the best of CNN in the video below.



My relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, herehere, here, herehere, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: Trump hilariously responds to AOC, Chris Pratt fasts, and Rob Schneider gets great.

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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